Would you rather pay to download or buy the CD?

just a quick one... In reference to the post above my last. To be anti christian or anti religious (as i am altho everyone to their own. Its not the ppl i dislike its the principles i find messed) does not automatically mean you believe in an anti christ etc... But yes... alot of symbols adopted by metal are either actually pagen symbols or actually wholly christian...

//Sirob LeRoi
hmm.... yea i guess.... I'm kind of torn between my religion and my music because I too, have problems with some things, but that's normal to question your faith so you're not following blindly. A Perfect Circle's "Judith" is a perfect example of a religion-bashing song. A Perfect Circle, I respect wholly as musicians, but when it comes to their morals, I don;'t agree with them, so I downloaded their cd Mer De Noms, rather than buy it. I'm actually gonna be forced to buy the new cd, Thirteenth Step because the tracks on the internet claiming to be from that album are fake. I've tried and tried 2 find the real ones, but I can't... anyway everyone's got their own reasons why to/not to buy a cd, I'm sure...
One thing i will say is that i respect the fact that you question your faith... The Catholics i have come into contact with in my time or at least the majority follow blindly and by that i think it stifles the human need to progress...

//Sirob LeRoi
yea... anyone who says 'Jesus' more than 20 times in 2 minutes is normally like that.... but yea i guess im the 'meat in the fruit convention' becuz down here in Texas, most o the religious ppl down here are elitists and force their ideas on everyone.... real bad, so we've kinda gotten a bad reputation for being in the area. So anyway... yea I'm gonna go off to the store now and get APC's new album. Also, Alive or Just Breathing is a kickass album :)
NocturnalSun said:
I'd much rather have the cd, but as I listen to metal music I can't help but question the lyrics. Most of the bands in the metal category talk about things like dethroning God...
I'm sure there are a lot, but there's a *LARGE* number of current artists out there that leave religon alone in their lyrics. Many bands can actually be articulate and intellectual without being anti-religious. Of course, I'm sure there is still a lot of shock-value, rebellious-youth revenue to be acquired if you take that stance, but that's always been there. Personally, in my lyrics, I *really* get jazzed about a band that can write smart and with innovation, of the sort I find with Evergrey.. Mostly introspective, but dealing with many issues.. Then again, I enjoy some superficial crap, too...
I guess I would agree with the majority of the posts. I would rather buy the CD.

But how about singles? I have normally only bought albums .. does anyone buy the singles .. particularly if that was all that was available? Example senario: New band, only has a single out, but you like their stuff.

I, too, think the RIAA & its constituents are shooting themselves in the foot, as well as more severe parts of the anatomy, with their behavior..

Let's hope they hit a vital part soon and roll over.
I don't burn and don't really like listening through my computer so unless I'm trying out a band I won't usually listen through a computer.

So obviously I wouldn't want to pay just to test a band

If they did make you pay for downloads would we be entitled to burn to a CD for personal use