would you rather ?

your family.

would you rather eat a whole pizza with shit or shit a whole pizza with eat?
You know neither Aurora nor Brutal Hate, right? So why did you answer?

Fuck, man. Brutal Hate was good times. Hilarious fella. :kickass:

Mozart or Beethoven?

Beethoven. As much as I like Mozart, Beethoven's more br00tal :goggly: Also, nice avatar. SPAAAAAAAaaaAACE~

Would you rather live in a third-world country, or be forced to eat nothing but Maccy D's all life?
Fuck, man. Brutal Hate was good times. Hilarious fella. :kickass:

Beethoven. As much as I like Mozart, Beethoven's more br00tal :goggly: Also, nice avatar. SPAAAAAAAaaaAACE~

Would you rather live in a third-world country, or be forced to eat nothing but Maccy D's all life?

third world country, youd probly live longer

would you rather drive a car for 6 month or have a bicycle for a year
Car for 6 months.

Would you rather be ugly and rich, or attractive and poor (assuming you can't just fix the weakness so easily with surgery and/or financial inheritance/lottery winning)

Attractive and poor, wouldn't change much ;_;

Would you rather be a master on one subject or a jack of all trades?
Would you rather kill yourself or your whole family?

your family.
I so :lol:'d

lol'd @ Maccy D.

Probably the place you go to after smoking a bit of baccy.
Also :lol:
Would you rather wake up next to a really ugly person or an elderly old woman?
The way the question was worded, its as if the elderly woman wasn't ugly (being elderly counts as ugly)

So if the questions is Ugly vs Elderly. Elderly.
But if the Elderly is also Ugly, do to Elderless, then the Ugly one.
wise answers master chief, also, I'm delighted my litte ''joke'' made you giggle, but wheresthenextquestion?

:( ?