Would you still go to PP IX if...


Jan 11, 2006
Would you still go to PP IX if Glenn was unable to get the huge headliners that he wanted, and instead got a co-headlining status band, or 3-slot band, and pushed JOP and Riverside to full headliners?

I know I would, for a few reasons. But even barring those reasons, I'd go, as the roster to me as it is is strong enough. And I think that JOP and Riverside could close out their nights in a great way.
Would you still go to PP IX if Glenn was unable to get the huge headliners that he wanted, and instead got a co-headlining status band, or 3-slot band, and pushed JOP and Riverside to full headliners?

I know I would, for a few reasons. But even barring those reasons, I'd go, as the roster to me as it is is strong enough. And I think that JOP and Riverside could close out their nights in a great way.
I'd still go if IS and JOP both got 90 minute sets.
Would you still go to PP IX if Glenn was unable to get the huge headliners that he wanted, and instead got a co-headlining status band, or 3-slot band, and pushed JOP and Riverside to full headliners?

Yes. ProgPower is about much more than just the music and the name-dropping. It's an experience. Besides, the line-up so far is pretty damn awesome if you ask me.

I'd still go if IS and JOP both got 90 minute sets.
I'd prefer this option as well, but regardless of who's headlining/playing I'll still be going to ProgPower. :rock:

It would take a full-roster of faux/non-metal crap to get me to decide to not go to ProgPower, which, thankfully, will never happen. In the rare chance that Glenn starts booking bands like Slipknot, Bullet for My Valentine, or Hellyeah :Puke: I hope he'll remember it's Ozzfest's responsibility to provide us with shitty metal ... and even then, I might just assume that Glenn was possessed by aliens/Sharon Osbourne/etc. or something :lol: and give him a one year grace period to recover, return to his senses, and provide us with yet another kick-ass metal roster.
Yes. ProgPower is about much more than just the music and the name-dropping. It's an experience. Besides, the line-up so far is pretty damn awesome if you ask me.


How true this is, i go not only for the music which is always the best, but for the experience, and sto see all my family, including you Claus:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: Just kidding I always look forwar to seeing you Claus and hanging out.
yes, I'd attend regardless. It's a family affair now. :cool:

although I'm still holding out for Rhapsody [of Fire] and/or Iced Earth as headliners. :kickass:

And I'd mention Nevermore in that same breath but I do not want to be responsible for giving Glenn an ulcer. :p
Okay, maybe this is the wrong question for the diehards.

How about adding if think that it would still sell out?
Well I'll never miss a ProgPower. Especially for Claus' comments.

But I'd greatly appreciate some killer headliners or returning headliners. This show's got a LOT of new unfamiliar bands for me to absorb, moreso than any year before. So I'll appreciate one or two bands that I can just thrash out to and get my neck nice and sore, as opposed to studying bands like I do with new acts. ;) I always find myself motionless as I examine a new band's first performance, to absorb them and everything they do. But man... I still need to go BONKERS for a band or two. Elvenking is the one band so far that's got me giddy like six Pixy Stix snorted.
Yeah. No question. For me, all the bands currently on the roster are enough to go on. They're the strongest, most diverse -- and potentially mind-blowing -- line-up of bands I've yet seen at PPUSA. They're so good, in fact, that I almost think the headliners may be anti-climactic unless they're totally stunning choices.

So I'd go even if no headliners are chosen. The line-up, as announced, is that strong.
There was a similar discussion previously after this year's announcement. I asked people to compare the announced roster so far with the roster from VII. The thing I wanted kept in mind was the reaction to those bands and their percieved status at the time of the original announcement as opposed to their current status now or even when they performed. The majority opinion:

Wastefall- who? Pain of Salvation sound? Ugh.
Pyramaze- solid pick
Savage Circus- a clone with one album? why?
Vision Divine- solid pick
Thunderstone- who? why did they get a 3rd spot?
Freak Kitchen- what the hell were you thinking?
Epica & Mercenary- No way do they deserve a 4th slot.
Jorn- Headliner? Ok, but no fucking way is he a headliner, why not hold out longer for a bigger name?
Evergrey- again?

I had more bitching, questions, and raised eyebrows than ever before. I missed a sell-out by only 6 tickets. That is not a failure . Hell, it would be a smashing success for any other festival here in the States. I have no reason to believe that the current roster so far would not match that in terms of ticket sales, even WITHOUT the headliners announced.

Yes, I am making a few of you work a bit harder to check out some new stuff. However, you have an entire year to make your decision. I also think that bands have to be elevated or the scene will stagnate and suffer. This festival is in a unique position to do that (just ask Circus Maximus or Pagan's Mind). We have already reached that point with true headliners. I don't want openers & mid-carders to fall into the same category.

While I obviously want a quick sell-out, I'm at the point in my career that a sell-out is a sell-out regardless of the time frame. I have nothing left to prove. Once the audience for the show stops coming, then I will know that I thought wrong. Until then, it would be cool if a few of the nay-sayers gave me the benefit of the doubt.
Would you still go to PP IX if Glenn was unable to get the huge headliners that he wanted, and instead got a co-headlining status band, or 3-slot band, and pushed JOP and Riverside to full headliners?

I know I would, for a few reasons. But even barring those reasons, I'd go, as the roster to me as it is is strong enough. And I think that JOP and Riverside could close out their nights in a great way.
I would still go since it's prog power, mainly because I would have so many friends that would be in attendance.

The current lineup, plus a couple of similar quality headliners would not be enough to get me to attend a new fest, or one I had never previously attended.

Astral Doors is the only band on the current roster that I am real excited to see. I'm sure I'll warm up to a few others, but none of the rest are among my current favorites.

I agree with the sentiment that's it is more of a family get together for me now (the crazy uncle- Glenn, the belevolent grandfather- J-Man, the creepy cousin- Hoyt). I'm not overly excited about any of the bands so far, but I'm not disappointed greatly either.
Giving us a year to check out the bands is the best part especially since I'm very unfamiliar with most of the bands. I'll be going no matter what because it's always a great time. I think Glenn will always get the benefit of the doubt. If it wasn't for last years progpower I would of never of known who Raintime was. Also, being a Freak Kitchen and PC69 fan for a lot of years, I was finally able to see both of those guys without leaving the States. How awesome is that!!!! As for this year, I may have never of known who Serenity was, right now, their CD is the one I'm most impressed with. Keep it up Glenn. PS, Raintime for the Showcase and how about bringing Gotthard over?