wow, gay high school.

yeah, i think that conservative lady's logic is retarded. no one is saying they learn differently. it's just that straight kids are giant fucking asshole monsters to gay kids or even kids who seem gay.
i mean, statistically speaking, i think gay teenagers are something like 10-25% more likely to commit suicide due to alienation and torment in school. so i can see the point. but it's sort of side tracking the issue. like, well.. the fact that the schools are full of intolerant psychos.
i think it's much much more likely than 10-25% more...the latest statistic i saw was that 50% of all teen suicides are gay suicides; since gay kids are maybe 10% of the overall population, that makes them 400% more likely!

i would prefer teachers cracking down on bullying than segregation, for sure, though.
Well, the reasoning behind an all-gay high school isn't just protective. Adolescents generally bond over sexual situations--a bunch of guys sitting around talking about chicks, or vice versa--and there generally simply aren't enough gay kids (well, kids who know it) to make normal social growth like this occur. Being able to attend classes, play sports, and engage in extracurriculars with like-sexualitied kids could be really beneficial for some people.

I would say it's very difficult to make this work, though--how many kids not only know they're gay at 13, but are willing to come out to EVERYONE by attending a gay high school? Is this targeting a specific populace, perhaps?
the thing i find really funny about this, having thought about it again last night and talked to a few coworkers is.... not all gay people are sane or nice! and they bitch fight just like straight people! it's not gonna be like a hippie love circle at that school. far from it! those lesbians can be ruthless!