Wow, I mean... c'mon. Life can't be that bad. Can it? (massive thread)

that this sentence is a little bit outworn (at least in germany)
not to forget i found it questionable in this context as Nietzsche's philosophy actually is for people in exact the opposite situation as Emdprodukt's.

outworn? excuse me but who cares? it is true nonetheless :)

Questionable because Nietzsche is known for his nihilistic views? Well you don't know Nietzsche then ;)

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."

"What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil."

"What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome."

"And we should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once."

"Go up close to your friend, but do not go over to him! We should also respect the enemy in our friend."

"He who cannot give anything away cannot feel anything either."

"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how."

"He who laughs best today, will also laughs last."

and the most important one:

"Without music, life would be a mistake."

Do I need to quote more?
funny, I fucking love raised fist. saw them live 2 times. best hardcore band EVER.

love their speed :D

but I would hear much hardcore in that situation too. terror, stick to your guns, probably hatebreed etc.

I love this song, mostly because of the lyrics.

Terror - Overcome
Everything I loved left me
Everything I cried for died or changed
I’ve fallen, I’ve failed
And I lost everything I fought to gain

Over – overcome
Every time you spit in my face
Over – overcome
Add more weight, I won’t break
Over – overcome
Won’t allow myself to be beat
Overcome, overcome, rise back up

Always trouble surrounding me
But I’ve learned from past mistakes
I’ve seen true hate, felt real pain
Still there’s nothing that can stop me

Break me down
I will rise up

I’ll overcome

Best friends become strangers
True love it turns to hatred
Nothing you can do to me
Still something deep inside
Tells me to be free
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his nihilistic views?

no, i meant his social darwinistic elitism that is made for the coming superman in which is not really place for weakness (and i'm to lazy to search quotes;-)
but let's not turn this into a debate over Nietzsche please :goggly:
scheisse man, tusch mir echt leid! musstest viel durch machen. respekt.
aber hör auf da dran zu denken und davon zu sprechen, das bringt nix. lass die vergangenheit hinter dir.

und frauen waren schon immer scheisse. glaub mir. auch wenn du eine findest die sagt, dass sie anders ist. glaub mir eins: frauen sind so!

Ich wünsch dir auf jeden fall viel Glück für deine Zukunft und hoff dass du wieder ne geile band an start kriegst! KOPF HOCH!
no, i meant his social darwinistic elitism that is made for the coming superman in which is not really place for weakness (and i'm to lazy to search quotes;-)
but let's not turn this into a debate over Nietzsche please :goggly:

don't see anything wrong with that but okay :D
hey you started questioning my post, I just responded in kind ;)
Wow dude..

I've got some shit going on at the moment in my life, which I'm pretty much powerless to change. But just reading that made me feel a little ashamed.. I really have no right to complain, heh.

But also..
You writing this shit down is goin to help. You may even end up in the same situation as me now.. you're life mightn't be going exactly to plan, but you'll look back on this and realise how much better your life has gotten. It will happen.

I can't really say much else. My life has definately gotten better this year.. and I think I've realised why it is. I read some book called "social intelligence" which basically explained (all theories but seem pretty damn credible) that emotions are basically 'contagious'. If you're around moody people, you'll be moody. If you're around happy people, you'll be happy. Same effect when you watch a feel-good movie vs. a sad movie.
On top of that.. if you force yourself to smile, you'll be happier. They did some test, groups watching cartoons, one group with a pencil in their teeth forcing them to smile, the others frowning, and the smiling ones found the cartoons happier. I mean, not definitive evidence but I'm sure it holds some truth.

///TLDR version
Anyway, to get to my point.. before this year I've been rather shy, and a bit introvertive, conservative. I still am, but I've begun to let my emotions flow more easily.. don't hold back when I'm sad, let the laughs flow easier. At least I think thats what Im doing.. Anyway, it seems to be working. I can easily say (even with a LOT of shit going on at home, some worse than ever before) that I'm happier than I can remember being.
thanks to everyone who took his time for just reading and writing something down. maybe I will start writing a book. haha. got much to tell. :)
Hey man I know everyone has said it before, but I'll say it again... Good luck and don't let yourself get down. It happens to everyone, we all have had our shitty times and our good times. There have been so many things that have happened to me that just make me want to give up, yet it always gets better and passes. The best thing to do is learn from all that shit in the past, and live your life to the fullest.

Try to avoid ever talking to the ex again, once I learned to do that it made things easier. I always surround myself with friends that I trust when crap like that goes down, and they bring my spirits up. And play a lot of guitar lol
you know... when people ask me "what was going on your life?" and I just tell some facts... I always hear: "fuck. don't know what to say."

I really appreciate you people have something to say.

Well dude believe me but is not that easy to say something to you,
I mean not so much people has gone through shit like you did.
Anyway my opinion is get out with friends have fun and just do what you like more.
If you like something just do it, just do something that leads your mind to think something else and not just the crap like your ex.
She's not a good girl and I bet she knows it, leave her on her own with her stupid shit.
If you like playing sports/go biking/running/watching movies just fucking do it ;)
Yeah life most of the times sucks, but there's always something good in it ;)

if you cross your ex on the streets just punch her in the face :lol::lol:
kidding ;) I say this just to put it in a positive way ;)
Hey man I know everyone has said it before, but I'll say it again... Good luck and don't let yourself get down. It happens to everyone, we all have had our shitty times and our good times. There have been so many things that have happened to me that just make me want to give up, yet it always gets better and passes. The best thing to do is learn from all that shit in the past, and live your life to the fullest.

Try to avoid ever talking to the ex again, once I learned to do that it made things easier. I always surround myself with friends that I trust when crap like that goes down, and they bring my spirits up. And play a lot of guitar lol

Wolfeman is so damn right! +1000 for this :kickass:

Storm follows Sunshine, dude!!!