Wow, the new SYL sure sucks huh?

Yeah I saw them too and got bored. They played waaay too many new songs and too few City songs.

Man this album is NOTHING compared to City! What do you all hear in this thing?
Originally posted by Mattias of the Night
Yeah I saw them too and got bored. They played waaay too many new songs and too few City songs.

Man this album is NOTHING compared to City! What do you all hear in this thing?

Wow, I how can you say that? Last Minute is better then every song on City put together.
Bout time someone agree with me. Disappointment up the ass.

Goddamn "Fans". This is the reason why this album sux, because the so called fans wanted a new syl. See what u ve bow ur heads in shame...fuckers.

I agree with Request_Denied - the fans are the problem.

After a metal band releases what could be recognised as a "classic" album, they have two choices with a new album:

1. Re-make the "classic" album
2. Progress

Most Metal fans are unforgiving. Option 1 is a cop-out. Option 2 is not option 1 and therefore the new album has a lot to live up to. In (what I think is) the average metal head's mind, nothing can better the "classic" album.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

For the record, I'm enjoying the new SYL. As DevyMetal said, it's less chaotic than City - but (IMO) it's more brutal than City. Dare I say it, the new SYL is more metal than City. And City has been my favourite metal album since 1997.
in five years time you will all be saying how much of a classic album it is.

so i really dont see the point in this.
how can someone not like this album ?? why we must have to compare it to city, this album is city+some heavy riffing sometimes a la meshuggah\m/+ fucking death/black metal riffing, to those who don't like death metal i understand , to those who wanted a more industrial record i understand, but those who listen to all kinds of metal have to love this, city is a really good album, it has better songs imo, all hail,detox,OMFG,home n. and underneath are really hard to top, but aaa its not that great imo, spirituality is great but not a chaotic song, as an album syl offers much more music and to me all songs are good, devour is my least fave just like aaa in city, it cuts the flow, but songs like consequence,aftermath, force fed, rape song, this album may not be as chaotic but its sure is more brutal, blastbeats are everywhere, genes drumming is great, fucking great album imo...
i guess i ended up comparing the 2 albums after all :D btw my first post here.
Some of the newer gen of Devy-fans are annoying. The whole "Dev hath farted must beg MP3 off he who has it" mentality absolutely sucks.
As for the new album... it's a decent slab o' metal. I prefer City but SYL is fun shit.
Originally posted by SpeakUSAorDie
Like all albums, it must be given TIME to grow. Most albums aren't the INSTANT classics that many of you are looking for.

Agreed. I don't believe in fans that "worship anything a band puts out" but if i feel something kicks ass, then the band will get my respect and consequently my money when i buy the album! :D