Wow, the new SYL sure sucks huh?

this album is better than city. it flows MUCH better than city does, no question. the songs are all more mature sounding, a very controlled chaos. great stuff. the music isnt as intense, but thats no biggie. no album will ever be as musically intense as city is.
i prefer city but syl is a great fucking album too, as an album it flows better then city(room ..what the hell is that song doing on city!?) but city as better songs, but i love the new one as well, no disapoitment whatsoever. i'm curious to see who write the songs, i bet forced fed is devin all the way!!!
Well, having gotten my copy now and listened through it.. a bunch of times, I think it's excellent. A lot of it seemed kind of boring the first couple times through, but after having experienced this with the sample songs they released, I knew that it'd come to me as I listened more. And it did. Every song makes me want to replay it over and over now.

Except.. not an actual complaint, but it's not as extremely pissed off as the last two, so it's not the amazing stress reliever that those are.
I love the new SYL, I've spun it about a dozen times since getting it last week... it definitely grabs me more than City did at first.

I really like City, don't get me wrong. But the most annoying thing about it that always pisses me off is that cover of Cop Shoot Cop's Room 429 - I freaking hated the original, I hate SYL's version, too. I always skip it. It just feels so out-of-place!

Oh well. To each their own.
to those who tought it would sound
like a "more heavy version of city" you
just has been proven foolish. city dosent sound like HAARHT and this one was not going to sound like city either. each albums of devy sound different and its
not different for SYL. in the facts this album have way better riffs than city
and it goes easier toward a death metal sound by moments : this album once again is a piece of genius. and to those who judge an album after the 1st listen
(we are all suposed to know such music is not anything easy to "digest") : there is not even the need you get proven foolish.
the new album is fine,but i expected something better...
but i bet that sometime soon,some dj will put some track from the new album real loud,and i will be like "Fuck,thats great!!!!"
happens all the time,i just need to let it grow.
First of all, I'm a HUGE Devin fan!
But, the first time I've listened to SYL, I was a little bit disappointed... I thought the songs were weaker than the other ones (On "No sleep til' bedtime")...
But I've let this album grow on my mind... And now, I listen to it about 3 times a day, it's f******* CRUSHING!!!!
One of my top 10 records!!!! :)
Listening to a song like "Force fed" makes my cry now... :headbang::eek: :) :cry:
Some of you people are fucking lunatics, you beg and cry for a band never to change their sound and have the same exact style album after album, and any change is deemed as selling out, or something stupid like that. Get a life, get over it, and go listen to something else if you don't want to support Devin. He made an excellent new record.
Originally posted by Ketsukusa
that sounds like what you said for in flames. or was it soilwork?

It applies to both Devin and the new In Flames, artists progress, have different idea's... And what have you. Asking In Flames to do the Jester Race over and over is rediculous.

Devin has made another excellent record, and I'm going to be there to support him all the way by being the first in line to purchase it when it hits stores.
Originally posted by Freddy Krueger
It applies to both Devin and the new In Flames, artists progress, have different idea's... And what have you. Asking In Flames to do the Jester Race over and over is rediculous.

Devin has made another excellent record, and I'm going to be there to support him all the way by being the first in line to purchase it when it hits stores.

People like you really get on my tits. R2R sucked, plain and simple.