

A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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Holyshit!!! I just bought Katatonia's Brave Murder Day and Bloodbath's EP today... those CDs kick ASS!! I'm now falling in love with Katatonia!! and I can't wait for Bloodbath to come out with a full CD!!!!
I finally bought the Bloodbath EP a few weeks ago as well along with Tonight's Decision and some other cds I had been meaning to get. Having money sometimes is nice. I really need a job so I can get more cds. I might try to get one after Christmas since things will slow down more at school.
Quite a coincedence because I am just now REALLY getting into Katatonia. I got Last Fair Deal Gone Down, and am just amazed, it is a truly beautiful album. Some is so melancholy, and sad while some has this demented happiness, its wild.