WoY now on garageband.com:

chrisdoig24k Since when did WoY play thrash?

I think if you're an old man who's never heard anything black metal inspired before, you'd call some WoY 'thrash'. The NC does have some 'thrashy' parts though with the 'power metal' double kick in the choruses (you know the one, the 'Sonata Arctica' kind :).
^ Haha, thats actually so true. You guys are like a Sonata/Opeth crossover, probably why I love you so much :p
Those are some pretty mixed reviews. Most of the people are terrible at trying to describe the song. It seems like this may be their first exposure to black metal of any kind.
Consistency is good for something... right?
Hook: Hooks me right around :30 that's for sure, but then those high pitched notes kill me.

Arrangement: Straight forward, nothing special here.

Mood: It's consistent, and that should mean something.
Extra Credit: Best Elevator Song.

- MetalMetalHed
Hoboken, New Jersey
December 7th, 2007

We're now #174/396, even after this guy's dick review. :p

Climbing the charts!!! :kickass:
not bad
You should definitely fire your keyboard player. Why does every so called metal band these days want to have a keyboard player? It just sounds so extraneous. You don't need a keyboard to sound atmospheric. Great vocals in this song and everything else is solid. Good work except the keyboard.

Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars.

- Lord_Voodoo
St. Charles, Missouri
December 7th, 2007

This guys review is 'not bad', at best. Jessica's keyboards are great in this song. Why do these guys always recommend firing members of the band? + I think he called us a 'so called metal band'. What the hell else do you call it? Has some 'metal' become so extreme that metal isn't even considered metal anymore? Are we not 'metal' enough? True, you don't NEED a keyboard to sound atmospheric (see Woods 1: "Against the Seasons", three piece: drums, guitar, bass vocals, no keyboard) but I think keyboards do contribute to the atmosphere and do things that a guitar can't.

More reviews as they come! :kickass:
Damn, theres no pleasing these people. One guy calls you Halford, one says stop singing and GTFO of the band, one guy says he liked the keyboards, another says fire the keyboardist, good God.
Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.1

too heavy drums
there's a car coming.... wooosh. that'd be a good transistion on a cd.
Cool intro, sounds like thrice for a second.
Ah blast beats. I would've liked it without the blast beat, imho i think they're sloppy by nature, but the piano is a nice touch.
this could be a really cool track if it weren't for the uberaggressive drums.
the drums at 1:30 are more what I pictured.

- lastapatheticle
December 8th, 2007

I don't really consider being accused of having "too heavy drums" as negative (though it would have made more sense re-phrased as "The drums are too heavy"). It's funny how drums like these can be too heavy for one guy and yet there are those who would actually like to hear them a little heavier!!! + Blast beats are TIGHT and this still IS a really cool track, IMO. But who or what the hell is 'Thrice'? Anyways, not a bad review.
Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.1

Finaly a track worth hearing.
The intro was quiet and atmospheric which was good, but when this song gets going, it really fucking gets going. The production is great, the riffs are interesting, the vocals are a nice mix of clean/rough. The clean hook is really good, and the underlying piano completes the track nicely. An excellent track.

- MnA
December 8th, 2007

N-ice! See, here's a guy who probably has to endure sitting through all that other 'garage rock' hoping to hear stuff like ours. "Finally a track worth hearing". Great review here!

Though, after 12 reviews we stand with a score of 2.1 / 5. ???

More to come! :kickass:
^ Actually their new stuff is a lot different, and quite progressive... but they're nothing like WoY really, and thats a really bad comparison, ha.
Thank you for the short intro...
they usually bore me to tears. Keys add a unique touch to this band. Faith No More meets SOAD. A am not a huge fan of your growling vocals, I think the band is immensly talented. There is a ton of potential here, but the growls seem to detract from the overall feel of the song. I think if you used them as a highlight rather than an emphasis, it would work a little better. A little more mainstream, let me say that. It is totally according to what your goals are. Musically, I dont think many can touch your creativity and skill on this site, but the vocals need some work. Find yourself a producer that can be brutally honest and move forward. That is what it will take, no sugarcoating. Dont drink the poison of everyone telling you, that you are great. Improvement can only happen if you allow it.
Extra Credit: Mood, Originality, Most Rocking Track.

- lithiumky
Lexington, Kentucky
December 9th, 2007

A producer eh? Again, black vocals were meant to be there. :kickass:
sloppy joe
the blast beats kinda go off tempo a lil in the beginning. once the riff kicks in full force it's solid as hell..

They keyboard parts are a killer touch..

It all just seems to chaotic and sloppy. the singing hook is good but the raspy vocals just seem pushed a lil too much

- mikeyfnsixx
Mountain View, California
December 9th, 2007

Furious melodic
Scandinavian attack! Sounds like it, but definitely a cool upper feeling, powerfull enough and with a black metal melody in the chorus, too bad the drums do not sound as good as the rest, both voclas and guitars are capable but keyboars and bass are too hidden in the mix, the chorus rules though.
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Melody, Beat.

- WitchBreed
Lisbon, Portugal
December 10th, 2007

Where the hell do people come up with these comparisons? Faith No More meets SOAD?

I'm starting to think that either the people didn't actually listen to the song, or that they only listen to mainstream pop-metal music.
^ No kidding! Honestly that just about discredited all bad reviews on that site. That is probably the worst comparison of a band I have ever heard. Like actually.
Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.8

Nice sound and mood. Good beat rythm was in tune with the vocals, and the song made sense. Production was kind of muffled..
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Lyrics, Melody, Beat, Mood, Coolest Chill-Out Track.

- cmathus
Grants Pass, Oregon
December 12th, 2007
