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Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.8

black power metal
windswept wilderness sample in the intro set up the expectation of a big theatrical epic and the song didnt dissapoint, some elements of black metal ala dimmu borgir and some elements of power metal ala iced earth, good balance between the powerful melodic vocals and the atonal rasp, tight drumming with nonstop double bass work, lush keboard arrangement, not alot of mainstream appeal u run the risk of only other musicians and die hard epic metal fans liking this but those people should love it

- RinaTheAxe
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
December 12th, 2007

Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.8

I think this song would have hit harder if it started full on withought the quiet intro thing. Song flows nicely when it gets goin. Heavy, just not my thing. Reminds me of Cradle, except the vocals sound like American Head Charge on the cleans. Overall solid band, loved the drums and growls.

Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Drums, Production, Melody, Beat.

- Blackdamp_1
Beckley, West Virginia
December 13th, 2007

Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.8

Interesting to say the least. I have yet to figure out what this is per se, although that might be a good thing! I have some great thoughts of Theater of Tragedy when I hear this due to certain vocals....although the drums revoke any confusion with that. I actually find the song to be very disconnected. There are many different styles included in the song, but none are connected.

The talent is there as it can be heard, although the composition leaves many things to be asked for.

Try not to include all influences in such a stong manner. Stick to your best influences, and add a little pepper with the rest!

- ROWhyte
December 13th, 2007

:Smug: Connect this!!!
Err don't exactly get that one. Who are Theater of Tragedy?

Liv Kristine former band, their 1996 'Velvet Darkness They Fear' is a must have. One of the originator of the whole 'beauty and the beast' thing that became a big trend, eg: growling male vocals with female soprano. A good mix of doom/death + 'gothic' (hate that word)...
^ For those looking for a good "gothic" doom/death band with the male and female vocals, and haven't heard of Draconian, check them out. They're probably my favourite band that mixes male growls with female cleans.
Very cool black metal sound. I love the half-blast off beats, very Malevolent Creation and definitely bands like Borkagar, Dimmu Borgir, and Mayhem.

The singing vocals are different, they do not really sound like black metal vocals, but it's original.

The screaming vocals are typical black metal vocals, high pitched, and talking instead of really screaming.

Cool melodies.

The guitars are doing the basic tremelo picked runs and the drums are pretty basic, the kick drums has a nice sound to it.

Keep up the cool work. Definitely keeping black metal alive and original!
- Untouchable6815
Bremen, Georgia

This guy knew what a fuckin' 'Borknagar' was. Good job! :kickass:
Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.9

Great work!
Really great intro! Great guitar riff, arrangement is interesting. Your vocals sound like Corey Taylor's from Slipknot. Catchy chorus,all in all a very good song.

- DENIopo
December 16th, 2007

:kickass: ...except for that Corey Taylor part...
Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 2.9

Melodic Black!
Great melodies! Awesome drums and atmosphere!Sick guitar riffs and harmonies! Vocals are versatile, I like the cleans with the blackmetal parts! Solid songwriting! F**king awesome! Epic! Hails!
Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Drums, Lyrics, Melody, Mood, Originality, Most Rocking Track.

- soulscythed
Eugene, Oregon
December 16th, 2007

Review of The Northern Cold by Woods of Ypres, Ont..
Genre: Metal 3.0

Reminds me of some old school metal bands, i really like this stuff keep up the good work, guitar and kerybaords sound fantastic and i like how the vocalist can sing well and scream just as good

Extra Credit: Male Vocals, Guitars, Keyboards, Lyrics, Mood.

- beneaththeashes
December 19th, 2007

Our overall scrore is now at 3.0/5!
^ Hopefullly it does better. I think I prefer Ontario Ground and there's no question that its probably more accessible since there's no scary blastbeats :p Keep us updated :kickass: