WoY now on garageband.com:

Years of Silence...

FYI - It always blows my mind to realize how much people think they really know about music, enough to 'review' bands and make comparisons, even if they know two bands! I'm only saying that I try to always expose myself to enough music that I often feel that I actually know very little about it, as a whole, based on knowing of all that there is going on out there!

not too bad
sounds like you guys really like dragon force or something... youre trying too hard to sound poppy too, Im not feeling it but im sure someone will. Its a little too light for me
- destroythewitness
Attleboro, Massachusetts

Has like this AFI sound to it. Guitar is repetative but totally works for the song. It has Godsmack sound with the vocals. Grade:A.
- socialdrulzz
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

btw - WTF does 'trying to hard"? I'll never understand this one, in the context of music or anything else.
Oh its so the catchiest song haha. Make it an instrumental? Thats the dumbest suggestion I've heard yet. Seriously the people reviewing the song clearly have barely any to no experience within metal. Years of Silence = AFI?... um no, and I do know AFI pretty well, haha.
Years of Silence...

A cool orchestral Rock sound. Not so sure at this point in the song if it's going to be metal enough for my tastes.

I'm not a fan of the quasi-scream in the bridge. It just doesn't fit IMO. The melodic vocals are well done and fit the sound. The sound is original and has potential.

I would market the rock audience with this one.

- deaddutdreaming
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Cool atmosphere
The ambient feel is pretty cool. The vocals kind of remind me of Vintersorg at times. The guitars could be doing more.

- Skullgoroth
Wilmington, North Carolina

good intro here
i like the way this song comes in, a lot of diversity and feeling. i wish the recording was a little better, with more bass and punch. i think that would super charge it.

overall the production value of the track is my biggest complaint. vocals are good and i think the songwriting is very strong. i would ease off the reverb on the vocals however. use a slight delay more than a reverb

- Trinity_Martin
Indianapolis, Indiana
^ Yeah its a pretty good indicator. The production isn't exactly Kelly Clarkson, but its far from Darkthrone or anything, haha.
I am suspicious about Garageband and how it works. "Ontario Town" was selected as "Song of the Day" and had a 4.6/5 rating one day, then it received it's last review (of a similar score) and the over all score dropped to like 3/5, the song didn't 'advance' to the next round and was retired. ??? Anyways...here are somenew reviews:

Thrill of the Struggle:

Black metal...
... style beginning. I like this... things are very well played and the drumming and vocals add to the aggression.

Nice guys, this is very pro sounding for the style.

The drums are a little low during the blast beats. They need to be louder.

Finally some clean singing that doesn't make me want to turn the song off. Very melodic and it totally adds to the atmosphere of the song.

This fucking kicks ass boys!

My only complaint being a guitar player is the guitars in some parts are being drowned out, but that's a production issue not a song issue.

5 from me.

Fans of Dimmu Borgir, Vintersorg, Thyrfing check this out.

Distractions of Living Alone:

progless opeth?
as far as tone or mood go-Just picture opeth (slow, heavy with keyboards) fronted by the singer from type-o negative. I would call the instrumental portion doom or gloom with traces of sludge. I am no musician myself just a fan so me commenting on arrangement is like me giving classes on breathing sea water (sounded fine to me though-didn't jump out as being sloppy at all.) Right around 5 minutes in until past 6 minutes in there is a wonderful harmonization that is amazingly done and caught me by surprise. The lyrics while not noticeably striking a chord with me, were decent; I have definitely heard much worse lyrics out of this genre.
- etherface

"Progless Opeth?" You've heard worse? Oh, you are too kind. :)
To Lock Eyes With a Wild Beast:

... more black metal.

I think this is Woods Of Ypres again.

I really like this, the vocals are killer and it has a old school vibe which I enjoy reminds me of my youth.

Oh the nostalgia.

I don't understand why I haven't heard more from these guys with this kind of quality.

All performances are played well and tight and the guitars are louder in this song.

Good job guys.


Cool jam, man. It takes like something like the Goo Goo Dolls, and makes it a little more meaningful and cooler. I like it

hmm different dude.
this sounds like one dudes project. the production is good though. nice harmonious vocals. you can sing for sure which is cool i dont hear anything sour. the guitars are very sludgy and doomy. you remind me of a dude i used to jam with named mark mitchell wouldn't it be weird if u were him?. lol oh well sounds good man, don't be depressed over your solitude this song is good and strong nice keys too.


Swedish type of feel to it. Some In Flames influence. I think it is a solid track.Not too much my favorite style.

hmm i wasn't expecting this
the intro made me think it was gonna be weak, however when it kicked in it sounds nice and solid. good production everything is blended well in the mix. rockin it reminds me of god dethroned,ihsahn,i like this its very strong a definate headbanger. nice atmosphere with the keys. nice teamwork between the instruments everything compliments one another. good job

- melvin_bryant
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

nice guys, it really reminds me of amonamarth, its got a sick beat to it guys, Im not much for the clean though.. I just don't really like the voice.. it doesn't stand out

"Thrill..." See the coincidence / irony in this title...

gold at the finish line

It all sounds pretty good if a little played out. I could do with a little bit of vocal dynamism in the screaming. The clean vocals are pretty decent and remind me of type-o negative. I don't really feel that the guitars add to the mood at all but the clean vocals compliment the keyboards perfectly. The song really takes off at the 5 minute mark and from that point forward I love the song.
- etherface
Recent "Distractions..."

dark and moody but in a good way
lyrical content was very good ,vocals came through quite clearly ,vocal effect at the end was good so was the addition of keys didn't think i would hear them in a song like this but it really worked .moody and dark but still a little uplifting towards the end .nice one guys
Extra Credit: Mood.

- tempered01
Loongreach, Queensland, Australia
February 10th, 2008

Nice Pink Floyd feel. Production sounds nice. good harmonies, Lyric arrangement. I liked the change around the 3 min. mark but I was waiting for it to bust out but never happened. Still a good song. If your in a mellow kinda mood or you just killed someone or broke up with the o'lady you'll dig it. I did!
Extra Credit: Drums, Mood, Best Potential Movie Soundtrack.

- patrickpierceall
Chatham, Illinois
February 9th, 2008

well--i don't know--it sounds like it should be--the guitars sound like a full orchestra--this is heavy and very nice--talent

- levavaran
Freeport, New York
February 8th, 2008
