
If you mean the WWF, not me! I think that's a load of garbage!

The *AWF* on the other hand, man - those guys are excellent! We have a few of the AWF guys post on the Dungeon board every now and then... Amazingly fit people, that's for sure! They actually wrestle instead of just pose! Go figure! HAHA!

I hear the PCW is pretty big in Melbourne, though... I know a couple of the guys that wrestle there too and they're pretty damn good too!
Lifelong fan of the WWF here, although there have been times where I have been *this close* to throwing it all in because of poor shows.
LT, I know what you mean, at times the WWF can be a load of shit, but I am still a big fan. What Spiff said, I have almost given up on it on occasion, but probably never would. lol
If I lived in Sydney I would get into some of that stuff (and would get down to some Dungeon gigs too :D), but alas, I am a country boy. :rolleyes:

TinMan, I agree. I find myself constantly not enjoying some of the angles they use, but thinking how it could of been better. Oh well.

n W o :headbang:

...things are looking better tho. :D
I just can't believe that they stuffed up what could have been - should have been! - the greatest angle of all time - the WCW invasion. It went so poorly that they shelved any plans of running another promotion with the WCW name, so we're going to have two WWFs after Wrestlemania, apparently.
In all of the WWF, WCW, etc. wrestling I've seen so far, I haven't seen anyone come close to what some of the local guys are doing here!

You only have to see the likes of Lobo (who wrestles for PCW and AWF), TNT, Scarecrow, etc. from the AWF to see what a big joke the "pro" stuff is...

I sort of liken it to smaller shows with virtuoso musicians as opposed to big, well produced shows with totally crap musicians... Sort of like, say, Sinergy vs. Britney Spears or something! HAHA!

Do these people actually *wrestle*?! (the WWF, etc., NOT Sinergy! HAHAHA! .... although.... HAHA!)
I'm not a big fan of wrestling... but after watching one (1) full show of the AWF live around a fortnight ago, I've become a fan (of the AWF).

These blokes (and bird) fight hard and get paid next to nothing. Their strength and physical endurance is exemplary.

I have deep respect for them. :)