Write an Opethian song.


Rainbow Demon
Nov 18, 2001
Shoikan Grove
Lets see what you people can do.

As you know, Opethian lyrics differ from normal songs, as they're not really chorus/verse oriented, and is more like deep poetry. So see if you can write some Opethian lyrics/poetry and post 'em here.
One I wrote a while ago. Don't know if it's any good, but. here it is.

Melancholy: Aeon of Sorrow

Why am I the one, the child of cold
With a heart made of ice cubes?
My faith in the knowledge of old
That everyone, has some other soul to find.

It was all so true, the morning sun
Did promise new beginnings.
The final aeon was near it's end
The sorrow veil blown from my face by the wind.
Oh how I laughed in the meadow
Rejoiced in my passion
And heated my deep desire.

It was all so real, so surreal
In daylight strode, from a never-setting sun.
It's light was warm and gold
And so it seemed, that never would I fall... down.
My life lust streamed across the sky like a rainbow
It's colors rivaled the sun itself.

And so I was, in this sweat delusion
Unaware, and blissfully ignorant
Oh, how reality struck hard and cold
On the day the sun set, and the rainbow shimmered
Then vanished...

I am so cold
I feel so old
My life has ended
But it's yet to begin.

The day the light dimmed and the colors faded
I realized the totality of my worth
Every milestone insignificant
The beauty I saw was a beast.

How hard I tried to mold
But so alone, I couldn't bare the load.
Life slipped into melancholy
Sadness became my guide
Jealousy, my friend.
Jealousy of you, with a hand to hold
And a smiling face in which to stare.

I am, the icy demon
In my fortress of dispair
Clad in black,
Black as sin, black as sorrow, black as my heart
I am immortal.

Cry for me not, for my tears litter the floor
In sadness molded, I am beyond sympathy
Beyond love, beyond all help.

Jaded and lost
In this melancholy world
This is
My aeon of sorrow.
Typical Opethian lyric:

Woah is me, i am in such darkness, such sadness, such sorrow.
The mist of nothingness envelopes me into the void,
I am forlorn, I am forgotten.

(uuuuh... what's next??)

Chorus: She cries, and says 'Never leave me', but i must go,
but i shall return.

I return through the forest, the darkness of mist surrounds,
Like a hole in the sky, i retun through the black of 'evermore,
A peice of nothingness amount a land of trees and life.

(growled!!) Alas!! She has taken to someone else, i am in anger.
She is of another's heart, I am cold, I am alone, I am death.

(bleh bleh bleh, the story goes on, and they dude kills the girl and the other dude, then kills himself. the end.)

Heres one I posted once before:

With damp eyes the sky cried for ages
And drowned all life in tears
As though washed away
All things I once knew are now gone

Standing in the pouring rain
The tombstones show the way
Lay flowers on your grave
And reach for your love in vain

The world has grown cold
And in the newfound winter
I pledge my life to despair

It wasn't this cold yesterday

Standing in this forsaken city
I bleed myself for all you ever were
Pool beneath your soul
To bathe you in red decay

Pallor, white as your ashen lips
Scorched in my vision
In given time
Pale will be my world as well

The world has grown cold
And in the constant winter
I pledge myself to despair

It wasn't this cold yesterday

Flowers, lain in your name
Withered and turned to dust
Gone to nothing
With fading whispers, shed the world

Its pouring rain again
In the meadow of your final dawn
My fear drains away once more
And you and I are one

December 15, 2001
Facial Tissues are the joyous joys of joy
Fake lamentation torment this eyeless boy
My pants are falling down
And I claw at the ground.
Something Lantern Lantern...


(shoop doowup)


(shoop doowup)

[Repeat 17x]

GUURAG!!! Gerage! You smash you pants transport system
into my garage, in the hills of norway



[Repeat 453x]

noodles bearing gifts
are not NOODLES AT ALL..

oh no, my love, they ain't noodles at all..

at least until they are brought to the FUCKING boil


[Repeat 454x]


(shoop doowup)

[Repeat 173x]

oooh.... oooh yeah!!!!!
Okey...i'll have a try at this one.,
please tell me what you think..
here's a little story.:

The beginning of the end…January
Snow-covered fields oh so sphery
“Have I been given a second chance?”
I think for myself walking solitary lands

The nights grew shorter on this
Second phase of the year
I met the fay and fraught her:
“I’m so glad to be here”

The month of my birth
The first month of mirth
Spring arrived with its tender breath
Its joyful embrace made me forget

Slowly the last snow melted away
On the prosperous days of April and May
My soul became less reserved
Without shame for summer I yearned

The birds sang the most beautiful warble
When I saw her eyes…so adorable
Could life be this delightful…always with rife?
For the first time I saw the reason of life…

Every night when I did slumber
I dreamt about the sweetness of that summer
The nights we shared under the shimmering moon
The two months of heaven ended too soon…

The first autumnal wind appeared in September
The way life grinned I always will remember
The thought of being left behind made me shudder
You pledged yourself to another…

You replied my cries with nothing but lies
“Why?!” I sobbed to her on this silent night of October
Slowly the mist enshrouded my body
The wrath dwelled inside of me…

I took my knife and became one with the night
I knew where I was heading and I was filled with delight
I entered your room with a silent squeak
It felt like it was heavens silent shriek…

But when I saw your eyes I dropped the knife
Enchanted by thee I silently sighed
For the very last time I touched your skin
And remembered how beautiful everything had been…

I fell to the ground with my soul so sere
I thought for myself…do I belong here?

This last day of December my neck was covered with a snare
These are the last words I’ll ever share…
IMHO Belial's song sounds pretty Opeth-ish, except for the first 4 lines.

Saditik's was nice too.

Kushantaiidan's just rocked! :p

Silentjohan's wasn't Opeth-ish at all, but I liked the way the story ended.

Hope I didn't forget anybody.
Here's mine: Dark Silent Place. All of the despair, none of the moping!

Severance for the innocent pawns
Gathered around the overturned tables
Of a dynasty in its twilight years
Sons of tyrants carve their legacies
In the stones on which the wretched walk
And we offer our displaced kin a gift of veils
Where the crown of virtue once held reign.

Overlooking the meadows where we once held feast
All I can see is a dark silent place where nothing grows

Migrating north towards the promised lands
Foul breath of lingering failure upon their tongues
Drawn towards limbo, or a home never familiar
They crawl like serpents starved with poison
And the translucent blue sky mocks them from above
And nobody dares to help the pitiless wanderers
Decayed bodies in a state of pure damnation
Superstitious cries held close to their souls

In the shadow of a shrine where the oracle bells once rang
All I can see is a dark silent place visited by no one

Cinders fell from the summit of shadowed peaks
A dismal catharsis for the remaining few
Permanently parted momento of a severed way of life
Savagely tearing from the emergent doctrine
Nomads of the wasteland, a black trinity transpiring
Shedding the pledges of faith as we walk
Hand in hand through cemetary roads on the last night of summer...

All I see is a dark silent place
Clothed in silent grandeur