Writer's block gone?!?!?


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage

I made a thread on not being able to write music... Well the last 30 minutes or so, for the first time in months, I sat down and just recorded a bunch of riffs that came to me off the top of my head. I mean, these are not special riffs or anything, but I'm so fucking glad to have ideas and shit after so long of getting NOTHING done. It's been fucking frustrating sitting with the guitar without being able to think of anything... So I sat fiddling around and then BAM

You can listen if you like, it's untight and just two guitars playing a sequence of random riffs that I recorded the first time I got them somewhat right to not lose my flow (therefore untight)


I've never even written this style of music before. Sounds like old Sentenced or Amorphis or Eucharist or something :confused:
Not bad at all! Not really my kind of music, but hell, ideas are ideas! I need to start recording my jamming and see if any of it actually sounds decent. I'm getting a bit better, finally... should be a decent player in a few more months/years/never/wth.
Yeah, definetly. Getting others peoples feedback is handy too. Especially if they also play, they may have some nifty advice/comments that 'regular' people might not have that could give you a breakthrough.

I finally started keeping some of the stuff I drew (i dont' write music/lyrics, i doodle shit I think of while listening to other peoples) and getting my friends opinions, they say its good but I keep thinking it's crap :yuk:

Also sometimes taking a break is a total refresh and you come back now far behind where you were but you make huge leaps and bounds, I found that with my piping (yes, bagpipes, har har, i've heard all the jokes) when I was fucking the dog with my playing of them, a complete break for a few weeks would be enough to get me reinvigorated and going. And every time I came back i'd fly way ahead of where I was.

Or maybe i'm just a freak of nature like that. meh