
I don't really read.. But ricky's lent me an Aldous Huxley book.. Brave New World. Doubt i'll get round to reading it, i'm not a very patient reader..
You need patience to read a Brave New World...However it is a very good read.

I am reading a Certain Slant of Light by someone I am unfamiliar with but its a really cool book
Well then that's my chances with that book gone!

..I just, have never been into reading.. It is not something i'm proud of.. Rather quite ashamed actually. I feel i am missing out on something great.. But whenever i start reading my mind wanders or i read the same line over and over or just.. Get halfway through a book and never pick it up again.
I'm a fan of audiobooks.. Because i'm much better at listening to something than reading it.

But i tend to listen to audiobooks at night, and fall asleep before the end ahaha..