clive barker's new book?

I actually read half of it, but new books have to go back fast! The new books are always a pain at the library. I need to Get it again and finish it. They are so nice here and are forgiving about late books but I don't want to press my luck!

To the point I got to so far I would say the book is good, but not great. The fact that it was like reading Mister B. Gone's diary and he can see you while you read it, made it really interesting, and the paper in the book looks like parchment. Because it is very original I would recomend it but since it's not a very big book, I would suggest getting it at the library instead of spending that kind of money. Oh did I mention it was weird? LOL.
totally. anything longer than a pamphlet and i lose interest. if you cant say it in 4 pages its not worth saying!

4 pages?

there had better be a lot of pictures

By the time we got around to going to the dollar theater to see this they had already cut it down to 2 showings a day, I'm sure it won't last much longer! It took us several minutes once we got to the theater to find someone to actually sell us tickets, as selling tickets didn't seem to be the top priority for the mexican employees. After we went into the theater, we then spent a while trying each seat in the place, because just about every one was broken or uncomfortable, hahaha. So we finally gave up when we found seats that weren't too broken.

So , the movie wasn't as bad as X-files 2, but what is?? Vinnie Jones plays a mute tough guy just like in every other movie he's in. Also he grows barnacles on his chest that he cuts off and keeps in jars in his bathroom cabinet. WHY?! I DON'T KNOW! THEY DON'T EXPLAIN IT!

The entire movie builds to the ending, which in the short story tried to give some reasoning for everything that happens, but in the movie they breezed right over it. This makes the whole movie pointless!

I guess it was kinda gory, so it had that going for it. CGI head crushings look more laughable than gross though.

The story ended with MONSTERS EVERYWHERE and a LIVING MOUNTAIN OF MEAT. It had no meat mountain and maybe two little monster guys they showed in brief glimpses and closeups. Absolutely not climactic, and makes you think, "so what's the point?!"

Looking up on IMDB I found out the director was the same guy that made VERSUS and GODZILLA: FINAL WARS.

Everyone should see Versus because it's the best kung fu zombie movie ever, and everyone should see Godzilla: Final Wars because Japanese Godzilla kills the silly CGI American Godzilla.