The Book Thread

Funny you should mention Clive Barker, I'm about done with volume 3 of the Books of Blood. I've got some old books I purchased for 50 cents from my school's English department to read - 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King, a copy of The Odyssey (who doesn't have one, after all?), and "The Portable Steinbeck."

A friend of mine recommended Christopher Moore, since I read almost no humor. Can anyone else vouch for him?
<3 book sales! i love getting like 9 books for half the price of one at a book store. it makes me so happy.

i have volume 1 of books of blood at home. <3 clive and can't wait to start it. and 'Salem's Lot is an amazing book. a. ma. zing.

steinbeck isn't half bad, either :p i love of mice and men.
i have volume 1 of books of blood at home. <3 clive and can't wait to start it.

steinbeck isn't half bad, either :p i love of mice and men.

"In The Hills, The Cities" is probably my fav story from volume 1. I could envision with perfect clarity the monstrosity he made in it; I think I was literally reading that one wide-eyed. Usually I don't like his tendency toward "happy" endings, but I must say, when they're bad, they're fucking terrible and I love it.

As far as Steinbeck goes, Grapes of Wrath was the only story in the curriculum of my 11th grade English class I enjoyed. The Great Gatsby and The Scarlet Letter? Yawn.
I'm reading a few books right now:

A Feast For Crows by George RR Martin. I love this series. It's going to suck when I finish this one because I'm going to have to wait a while for the next one to come out. Probably the best fantasy series I've read.

Death of a Saleman by Arthur Miller. I'm reading this for English right now and unlike many other of my English books this year (aside from Gatsby), I'm really enjoying it so far.

Headstuff Vol. 1 by Simon Jackson. This is a very cool book that deals with meditation with marijuana.
I recommend to you folks that like fantasy "Tyrants and Kings" series by John Marco. The first book in the series is "Jackal of Nar"

I also recommend "Flowers for Algernon" ( the short story, not necessarily the novel).

I noticed some people complaining about the Great Gatsby. I think it's because the "Lost Generation" folks were under the impression that you had to be boring to be a) cool and b) modern.

Those books typically include a lot of boring fluff with one off the wall scene. I suppose that scene for Gatsby is the ending.
I'm reading a few books right now:

A Feast For Crows by George RR Martin. I love this series. It's going to suck when I finish this one because I'm going to have to wait a while for the next one to come out. Probably the best fantasy series I've read.

best fantasy author ever, of course.

Great Gatsby was actually a pretty damn good book, imo. I just think English classes ruined it for everyone. I'm glad I didn't read any books I really, really liked in English and have to dissect them until I hated them.

I'm about to start reading World War Z, which all my friends have been freaking out about. I'm kinda behind on the zombie craze, possibly because I think this firm belief that zombies can be stopped by a bullet to the head is foolish and delusional. We must battle them with fire. FIRE!

Also, as always, looking for more King Arthur books. Plz.
George R.R. Martin may not be the best ever but as far as modern epic adventure fantasy goes, he's got into my top 20 easily.

Those that like Martin might also like David Farland's Runelords series, because, Like "Fire and Ice", it deals with the traditional fantasy settings in an unusual way, and the characters are more believable than the simplistic Tolkien-ish elf fantasies.

So I'm reading the Dark Tower Book IV, by Stephen King. It's finally getting good around page 250, but ugh ..... I am so sick of King's writing by now I can't wait for this book to be over. I doubt I'll continue with the rest of the series anytime soon.

/ninja bump
lolz jewspeak

&#1488;&#1500;&#1493;&#1492;&#1497;&#1501; &#1497;&#1510;&#1512; &#1488;&#1514; &#1492;&#1513;&#1502;&#1497;&#1501; &#1493;&#1499;&#1491;&#1493;&#1512; &#1492;&#1488;&#1512;&#1509;
I'm still on my Crusade against these so-called "books".

They're swallowing your lives. Have an original thought, let it be eloquent and True but don't write it fucking down!