THE BOOK........(For Tee!)

LRD, is dragon your chinese horoscope sign or do you just like to believe you're scary? he wasn't asking anybody or making a comment for anybody, go back to the title.
thanks for inves(N)ting humor(??). :err:

Ihriel, my book is collecting dust, but I've been informed about how cool it is. in a specific way. at the moment I don't have time for anything, and it's getting worse. when I read it (someday, :zombie: ) I'll inform you about my impressions. I've been better but I've been much worse, like two days ago. LOL thanks.
ForbiddenAngel said:
Hey Girly,
Congrats on the "Big Day". Hope everything works out for u and Metalized.

Tilt ur head up and keep smiling.

dammit, i want to dance in my leiderhosen at the wedding:p
i just have a thing for dancing in leiderhosen at special events...not that i really have, but that doesn't matter...notice whenever it's someone's birthday here i dance and sing "zum geburtstag" for them
lizard said:
...must stop imagining CT in leather lederhosen...must stop....

congrats, Tee.
lizard you dirty bastard
....but yeah tee and metalized, congrats!!!:D
thank you, thank you. :) hey, we still didn't sign anything. :err: and I'd like to dance in meinen Lederhosen, doch no chance, I have a gown....