b&w movie appreciation thread

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
so i was out with a friend yesterday to buy an ether-net cable of my laptop. we were wandering around and stopped by this rare and used-book store, great little place. sparse lighting, classing music playing, huge shelves set up at weird angles, books stuffed everywhere, and on any and every obscure subject you can think of. claustrophobic, but charming. we wander through there then go down to this basement room full of paperbacks. i check out this shelf full of pulp novels, which i havent previously seen, and am bewhildered when i find a battered old novel called The Uninvited. the book is the basis for this 1944 ghostly love-story movie of the same name, which i love but never saw all the way though. this is the same store i found an old paperback copy of Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House.

so yeah ... who else adores those musty old places and movies prior to techicolor?
The Ghost & Mrs Muir
The Enchanted Cottage
The Spiral Staircase
The Portrait of Jennie
Queen Bee (with Betsey Palmer pre-Pamela Vorhees)
Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte

... you might as well call me Anna Nicole, because i love old things

ooo, too soon?
I would have nailed the pink ranger.
pretty sure she had a giant camel toe and i bet it was gangrenous or had athlete's foot because she wore the skirt thing and the yellow one didn't but this post is just to say that even that malformed whore wouldn't have nailed you.
bye-bye, topic.
hey now, i totally supported it!

I love dragonwyck and it is indisputable that my discovery of it was... "meant to be."

see... i occasionally get bouts of insomnia and on my old college floor i'd just sit in the lounge and watch music videos all night on the tele but this one night i saw this black and white epic intro and was like, "hmm" so i stick around and then and then and then VINCENT and then and then and then BEST MOVIE EVER!!!

he died on a throne yeah!!!

last man on earth is spectacular, too
MajestikMøøse;5899251 said:
i like earlier color movies before visual effects
So you prefer your special edition deepthroat types to your newer adult entertainment collection?
German expressionist films, and also film noir I count among my favorite films. A lot of film companies avoided color film stock, not because of cost (though it was overly pricey) but at the time all you had was Technicolor and it was overly colorful it tended to destroy the atmosphere and effect of the storytelling. Unless you were making one of those crappy musicals.
i thought maybe that this thread was going to be about movies with black and white people... and to that I say:

so.. obviously, i obsess over Vincent Price movies (look at the arm, omgz). is there any particular actor or actress that you prefer over others?

Vincent Price is the main one
I havent seen many old Christopher Lee flicks, but what I've seen, I have a feeling he owns everyone