Read this Book thread



Well, since there are threads commanding you to listen to cds and watch movies, I thought it'd be pretty nice to have a thread commanding you to READ as well. Plus, I just want good book suggestions.

The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker (the inspiration for Hellraiser)

... I haven't been reading a lot, lately.
AnvilSnake said:
the whole Wheel of Time series.

In the middle of Book 8 right now. :worship:

If you want to read a real trippy out there book try House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski.
A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin

Legend / (possibly "Against the Horde" for you U.K. folks ) by David Gemmell (note:_not_ the movie story )

Tyrants and Kings series by John Marco

A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

The Dark Tower by Stephen King

Sho-gun by James Clavell
Hesse, Hermann: (existentialist fiction)
The Glass Bead Game

Hofstadter, Douglas R.: (logic, math, AI)
Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid

Somtow, S.P.: (weirdass mythological scifi/fantasy)

Martin, George R.R.: (epic length fantasy)
A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords

Zelazny, Roger: (fantasy)
Nine Princes in Amber
The Guns of Avalon
Sign of the Unicorn
The Hand of Oberon
The Courts of Chaos

Ende, Michael: (fantasy)
The Neverending Story

Gaiman, Neil: (weird fiction)
American Gods

Resnick, Mike: (scifi western)
Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future
Lord Foul said:
Hesse, Hermann: (existentialist fiction)
Zelazny, Roger: (fantasy)
Nine Princes in Amber
The Guns of Avalon
Sign of the Unicorn
The Hand of Oberon
The Courts of Chaos
What about the Lord of Light? Or don't you rate it?

Kurt vonnegut:
Cats Cradle
Sirens of titan

Philip K. Dick:
Do androids dream of electric Sheep
A Scanner Darkly

G.R.R Martin.
*You know what goes here ;)* What a legend.

Poul anderson:
The Broken Sword

If you are in the mood for some uber heart warming, but pretty gay generic fantasy
David Eddings:
The Belgariad and
The Maloreon
I would say any book by Ben Bova, Return to Mars, and Jupiter being my favorites. 2010 by Arthur C. Clarke, and for you fantasy fans, Sara Douglas is someone that I'm into now. I'm reading her book, The Enchanter, which is the second part of a triology. Robin McKinley is another good fantasy author, I recommend The Hero and the Crown.
THE NIGHTMARE FACTORY by THOMAS LIGOTTI (you do not need to read any other book after this)
anything by H.P. Lovecraft
American Gods by neil gaiman
smoke and mirrors by neil gaiman
the great and secret show by clive barker
1984 by george orwell
american psycho by bret easton ellis
less than zero by bret easton ellis
siddhartha by hermann hesse
the stranger by albert camus
maldoror & the complete works of the comte de lautreamont

that's more than enough
unknown said:
the stranger by albert camus

Excelent book! Also from Camus is "La Peste" I don't know how to put it correctly in english.

Candide from Voltaire is an excelent book too.
Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire

Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series (historical fiction)

Stephen King's Dark Tower series

John Gribbin's In Search of Schrodinger's Cat

Anne Bishop's Black Jewels Trilogy

I just read Sagan's The Demon Haunted World, and am about to start Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Danike.