Writing a SLOW song (speed wise that is), techniques/tips?


Dec 25, 2009
ok, so I accidentally slowed down one of my songs while listening to it, and to be honest, it sounded awesome. Just had this epic droning type feel to it. So I've decided I want to try and record a song in this style.

Here is the original song: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7077365/Trials Master 8.mp3

and here is the SLOW version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7077365/Slow Jam test.mp3

I'm not sure exactly how I would go about doing it. For example, on the drums they would have to be pitch shifted down and slowed down. Not slowed down tempo wise, but the hits would have to ring out as if in slow motion. How would I do that using midi drums? Would I have to convert it to audio? Also, what about tempo?

I have way to many questions on this, so if anyone has ideas or has done something similar to this before, feel free to pm or post here.

Also, if this is a stupid ass idea, let me know haha. :D

Old school trick is to play a tiny bit after the beat. Not on the money. Guitar wise etc.
Don't have any technical tips for you, but just wanted to say that the slowed down track sounded great.

Also, check out Sunn O))).
Your attack and release times on comps would be the first thing I'd change, maybe reverb lenghts. Plus the slower the tune the bigger I like the kick drum and bass guitars. Kick drum sounds can be less clicky eq wise the slower you go