Writing Commences!


Feb 11, 2002
Dan decided (nearly at the last minute) to fly in for a visit this weekend - before he heads off to London for the next several months. We hadn't really planned on it, but we started working on new material. We spent a few hours Saturday and a few hours today peicing together some riffs I had written and, before we knew it, we had the makings of a new song. This rough composition clocks in at just under 7 minutes. And, it's really heavy - based on the C Locrian scale and performed using a drop-C tuning.

Those that are familiar with us, will know that it will be months before we've got a full CD worth of material and maybe longer before we have something ot release for public consumption - especially with Dan being out of the country for a while. But, I thought you all would be interested to here that we've made some real progress towards the next HEX CD.

That is awesome. Not that I am getting tired of playing the same Hex songs over and over in my computer or anything. Hahahaha. NEW MATERIAL!!! WAAAAAA!!!!! And thank you for taking us in to the studio. I will make sure everyone understands the schedule and I will personally see to it everybody does exactly what they are told. Thanks a lot Bob. See you at recording, or better yet at Shark Studios.
Hydraleader said:
That is awesome. Not that I am getting tired of playing the same Hex songs over and over in my computer or anything. Hahahaha. NEW MATERIAL!!! WAAAAAA!!!!! And thank you for taking us in to the studio. I will make sure everyone understands the schedule and I will personally see to it everybody does exactly what they are told. Thanks a lot Bob. See you at recording, or better yet at Shark Studios.

Thanks, Joe! Looking forward to working with you guys.

See you Saturday night at the show.