WTF Babymetal?!

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Feb 2, 2016
Came as soon as I could. Seriously, like, this might be old news to most of you guys, but I was genuinely shocked today after finding out about this abomination called Babymetal, that seems to have gained popularity over the past few years. I don't consider myself to be an orthodox metal fan, quite the contrary, but dear lawd, what the fuck has this world come to?! With all the great metal music there is, this is the shit that gets popular?! WTF?! Why?!

Also, don't get me wrong, those guys playing in their band are obviously very talented and the production is as professional as it gets, but the content and means of presentation... I mean, you take the most majestic of music genres and combine it with incredibly obnoxious teenage girls who essentially sing j-pop vocals. That's like, the most disgusting combination I've seen in art in general, ever. It's like shitting on a Van Gogh - you just don't do that.

...phew, sorry for being so negative, needed to get this off my chest in a place where I assume at least a few people will share my disgust :puke: . Not like I'm against people doing and listening to what they want, I just clearly wasn't prepared for this crap :D .

No one gives a shit if your negative here, lol. Anyways yeah this is pure unadulterated shit, thats the point though to mix the J pop with the deathcore. It appeals to two different music fans, money leeching its literally the only reason this "band" is a thing
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No one gives a shit if your negative here, lol. Anyways yeah this is pure unadulterated shit, thats the point though to mix the J pop with the deathcore. It appeals to two different music fans, money leeching its literally the only reason this "band" is a thing

Thanks man, wasn't sure whether I wasn't taking it too far, still getting a feel for the forum :D .

I'm genuinely surprised there's such a huge audience that listens to that crap. Is it cause you could sell cow dung to people for $5000 per pound these days as long as it comes from Japan and is sold by an obnoxious 13 year old Asian girl? I knew shit is fucked up world wide with culture and shit, but this is just plain shocking. The fact that it's so apparently just a money grabbing project just adds to my disgust with this "band".
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Yeah, id agree today its all about the seller not the thing they're selling....

Btw the rules of this place are way different then other forums, you're good. I came on here when i was still in middle school and i posted the the most obnoxious shit. Im sure you'll be fine just don't be an asshole, lol
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Yeah, id agree today its all about the seller not the thing they're selling....

Btw the rules of this place are way different then other forums, you're good. I came on here when i was still in middle school and i posted the the most obnoxious shit. Im sure you'll be fine just don't be an asshole, lol

Hah, I can't guarantee not being seen as an asshole at all times, but I'll try to be at very least tolerable if nothing else :D . But thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it!
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Babymetal is better and more successful than your favorite bands, losers. Gonna see them on July 15, SO PUMPED!
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I actually might go if tix are cheap enough, purely for the visuals. Cute Asians doing backflips and shit with a light show? Sign me up if it's under 20 bucks.

But yeah its definitely not respectably 'metal', it's literally a joke to piss you off. Like Mac Sabbath. Whom I'd also pay to see if it was cheap enough.
But yeah its definitely not respectably 'metal', it's literally a joke to piss you off. Like Mac Sabbath. Whom I'd also pay to see if it was cheap enough.

Just watched Mac Sabbath. How high and how committed to a joke do you have to be to start a band like that :) ? Had a good laugh though, as a joke, I gotta appreciate what those guys do :) .

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I don't find Babymetal offensive in a sense that they have "metal" in their name and that people say "oh yeah this is metal that I enjoy" and shit. Of course it baffles me that people who are regularly into metal sometimes like it as well considering it's absolutely terrible and not even actual metal. Listening to it actually sickens me and I can't laugh at it, I just can't.

Maybe I don't have enough sarcasm in my sense of humor?
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Listening to it actually sickens me and I can't laugh at it, I just can't.

That's the thing. Listening to it actually causes me discomfort and makes my stomach twist. A band can call them selves "Most metal band ever" and play Icelandic folk lullabies for all I care, but this is just so "cringy", yuck. Also, pozdravujem do Ciech!
I actually might go if tix are cheap enough, purely for the visuals. Cute Asians doing backflips and shit with a light show? Sign me up if it's under 20 bucks.

But yeah its definitely not respectably 'metal', it's literally a joke to piss you off. Like Mac Sabbath. Whom I'd also pay to see if it was cheap enough.

Hey, woah now, at least Mac Sabbath does Black Sabbath better than the current Black Sabbath...
What in your life experience would make you think anything genuinely great would become popular? Things that become popular often become so as a result of appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Junk food for the ears.
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Babymetal would be better off if they just focused on the pop elements. The metal is useless outside of appealing to dumb power metal fans, the idol weebs would come no matter what either way.
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