WTF Babymetal?!

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I gave it too. How many bands are based on that? Thousands. But Infernus has no idea either, it's just talk.
No. You showed us a generic cultural trapping plopped on their image like a wet fart with nothing to prove that they made the choice to do so. They aren't making their own artistic decisions, Infernus is, something you fail to understand. Also, cute of you to compare the conceptual originality of Gorgoroth to that of Babymetal. Find me one black metal band pre-Gorgoroth with that guitar tone or that spatial sense of musicality. I guarantee I can find you a dozen lazy "JUMPDAFUCK" 90's goatfucks with the musical tone of the Kami Band and hundreds of melodically identical J Pop acts.
And what does it matter? After all, they were girls when they started. The decisions will be made later. Believe me, I do not care.
Yes, they were girls when they started. And as I've enumerated nearly a dozen times now, that's how young the Japanese pop idol industry starts them. They groom children like these from the ages of 9 and 10, sometimes younger to become pre-packaged pop sensations for Japan's record buying public. They did not start this band, the record company did. The decisions have already been made. For them. By elderly Japanese music moguls who, the last time they could headbang, they were doing it to carve out their caves during the fucking Jurassic era.
Just as there are millions of black metal bands that sound identical to each other. Who else sounds like BM?
Let's see, the guitar tone is phoned in from 90's nu metal, the drumming is unoriginal blast beat craft, the melodies are quoting from more hacky J Pop groups than I care to name, the lyrics are about as inspired as Ernest Hemingway when he took his own life, etc.
Singing and dancing while losing weight in each performance is not enough for you?
It`s incredible how entertaining a forum post can be. All out of popcorn.

After reading posts in this topic i do find it strange that babymetal gets so much negative respond tho. They got recruited at young age by some big fat wallet men that wanted something to make money on. Isnt that just....getting a job? Their music is shit for some, but i can compare it to people working at Mc.Donalds. They got a job, they sell shit for cash that goes into some fat wallet guy at the top. Diffrence is i think those girls in babymetal likes their job a bit more. Liking their stuff is individual. But you got to admit they are doing something right looking at those crowds on their shows.

Personally i dont like babymetal. I dont listen to it at all so i cant say if its shit or not. I saw one video and that was enough for me. I think it aims more to youth. And if i had a kid and he/she slammed babymetal at their room i wouldnt mind, as i know there is shit like this out there.

If your kid listen to this, its broken. Put it in a bag and bury it. Atleast with babymetal there is a chance that kid will some day find his/her way into Slayer and beyond. Its gateway metal(or wtf genre you called it), and i dont mind those.
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