WTF Babymetal?!

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I have not said any falsehood, and you don't have to insult what I love, who the fuck you think you're talking to?
I think I'm talking to a manchild incapable of providing evidence for any of his claims. You've repeatedly claimed, falsely, that Babymetal are involved in their major artistic decisions. I have demonstrated they are not, they are part of Japanese idol music culture, something I've implored you to research on your own time a number of times now but you continually neglect to.
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I haven't seen anything more than a hateful and closed mind, like all this crap scene.
What exactly is it that you're implying here? That the metal community would somehow be better off if more people were receptive to this puerile excuse for a band? Dude, you aren't more open-minded or eclectic for liking a glorified idol group with a wasted backing band. Despite all the praise Metal Resistance gets, it still manages to be an overproduced bore at best and a cringeworthy trainwreck at worst. The fact that you hold Babymetal as some kind of shining example of genre-bending expertise when bands like X and Gargoyle have existed for decades at this point is ridiculous.
Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
Taking into account the definition itself, evidence is NOT compatible with music.
The music itself no, but the externalities of the music, i.e. say in creative choice or artistic mission, yes, those are most certainly compatible with evidentiary substantiation. Something you refuse to provide for the nth time.
Everything you ask revolves around a word: Kitsune, it's part of the concept behind it, it comes from the ancient Japanese folklore, there are quite good books about it, which I study before know BM.
How does a rich history of mythology and folklore being reduced to, yet again, a glorified idol group with a wasted backing band that writes "metal" that is shallow and empty make Babymetal any more palatable?
Everything you ask revolves around a word: Kitsune, it's part of the concept behind it, it comes from the ancient Japanese folklore, there are quite good books about it, which I study before know about BM.
I know what kitsune is. And a band basing its style there? Not new or original in any way. That's still not evidence of anything other than the record company choosing a generic marketing image.
The record company.. record company.. everything is commercial man, even Darkthrone. At least is 100000% more original than many.
"100,000% more original" So original, they don't write, compose, or play, and their art is dictated to them by suited stiffs in Tokyo. Get real.
What is Gorgoroth based on? They are in your signature, I want evidence.
Gorgoroth is based on deistic Satanism, something you can find our if you watch just about any given interview with founding guitarist and chief songwriter Infernus. They also use touches of existentialism as evidenced by their consistent use of Nietzschean phrases in their lyrics. Their name is taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
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I waste my time here, asking for evidence of something that doesn't need it. Music has nothing to do with that. Nor artistic mission nor nothing. Crimes need evidence, not something that it has to do with passion.
I didn't know you found balding, greying Tokyo record executives so passionate. We're asking about the tangible perameters of it, not whether I like the riff on Gimme Chocolate.
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