WTF Babymetal?!

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Sorry but your comment is very wrong.
When BM was formed, they met metal music for the very first time, that's correct, so what? That makes it less "true"? How many bands have started in a garage and now they stink?
"Everything is mechanically choreographed"
No shit? that's how the choreographies are.
"right down to personality types of the members"
Hell no!
Oh well that's that then.
Sorry but your comment is very wrong.
When BM was formed, they met metal music for the very first time, that's correct, so what? That makes it less "true"? How many bands have started in a garage and now they stink?
"Everything is mechanically choreographed"
No shit? that's how the choreographies are.
"right down to personality types of the members"
Hell no!
Yes, they met metal for the first time because the record company decided that's what they wanted them to play. It makes it less true because the record company made all their creative decisions for them. I'm not saying starting in a garage of your own volition makes you a better band, I was using that as an example of an authentic group of people playing music. They didn't just stumble on to it. You're missing the point if you think I was discussing the nature of choreographies. Hell yes. You know exactly nothing of Japanese idol culture if you think the members aren't coached on exactly how they're supposed to act and speak.
I'm reading their Wiki, it's hilarious that anybody could praise this band. I didn't even know the three girls just do vocals, I was under the impression they played the music too but apparently all backing music is done by some band called Kami Band.
Disclaimer: this is my opinion as a person new to this kind of music (would love some suggestions!)
I've got to admit, I don't personally enjoy the vocals. Babymetal is just not my cup of tea. I first found out about baby metal by listening to a cover of it from a fan, and I was like shit this sounds good. I then decided to search up babymetal and I was absolutely shocked by what I found! When you listen to Kami band by themselves (catch me if you can beginning) it's abosolutly amazing how good their technical skills are and you can't deny that (drum solo, BASS SOLO?!). Even though the I was quite honestly a bit put off about how they would put these little girls, train them, and tell them what to do (manufactured and a bit creepy), when i saw how much fun the band is having, and the genuine smiles, and energy on the girls when they perform live, I just shrugged and left em be. Here are some young girls discovering the genre And loving it (!), finding and meeting their favourite bands, having fun onstage, whipping the audience into a frenzy, and everything seems alright. I don't really get the whole "babymetal is ruining metal" or any similar statements for anything in general. I say let them have their fun because isn't that what any music is? To have fun with what your doing no matter if it's good or bad? :)
In the end you notice what an absolutely massive following they have, and maybe there's a reason why? After writing this i feel like giving them a second chance, or if not just to listen to covers or instrumentals (crazy drum player!)...

Here's the cover for any curious folk:

My friend told me about all the sub genres and different kinds of metal, anyone have any idea what this one would be? Thanks!
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Once again, you are deluded if you think there isanything genuine about this group. Research Japanese pop idol culture. It's insidiously robotic and they're a product of it. The Kami Band are serviceable at best, you want real Japanese technical prowess, look into Matsumoto "Hide" Hideto, Hayashi Yoshiki, Akira Takasaki, Naoto Shibata, Masayoshi Takanaka, Yukio Morikawa, or Hideaki Nakama.
It is possible for the girls and the band themselves to inject passion into an artificial manufactured product by singing/dancing/playing their asses off. It can be seen during their live performances. Like an actor doing his best with a shitty script and it turns out respectable
Came as soon as I could. Seriously, like, this might be old news to most of you guys, but I was genuinely shocked today after finding out about this abomination called Babymetal, that seems to have gained popularity over the past few years. I don't consider myself to be an orthodox metal fan, quite the contrary, but dear lawd, what the fuck has this world come to?! With all the great metal music there is, this is the shit that gets popular?! WTF?! Why?!

Also, don't get me wrong, those guys playing in their band are obviously very talented and the production is as professional as it gets, but the content and means of presentation... I mean, you take the most majestic of music genres and combine it with incredibly obnoxious teenage girls who essentially sing j-pop vocals. That's like, the most disgusting combination I've seen in art in general, ever. It's like shitting on a Van Gogh - you just don't do that.

...phew, sorry for being so negative, needed to get this off my chest in a place where I assume at least a few people will share my disgust :puke: . Not like I'm against people doing and listening to what they want, I just clearly wasn't prepared for this crap :D .

It seems like anime is just too popular in Japan and people get over the top with it with anime cute singing. I mean seriously! Whatever grabs an audience for people in Japan. I rather listen to this!

It is possible for the girls and the band themselves to inject passion into an artificial manufactured product by singing/dancing/playing their asses off. It can be seen during their live performances. Like an actor doing his best with a shitty script and it turns out respectable
The passion of getting paid tbh
The singers are in a studio somewhere, naked, snorting cocaine and laughing at this thread hysterically.
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Once again, you are deluded if you think there isanything genuine about this group. Research Japanese pop idol culture. It's insidiously robotic and they're a product of it. The Kami Band are serviceable at best, you want real Japanese technical prowess, look into Matsumoto "Hide" Hideto, Hayashi Yoshiki, Akira Takasaki, Naoto Shibata, Masayoshi Takanaka, Yukio Morikawa, or Hideaki Nakama.
I'd also add a huge amount of musicians from bands like Gargoyle, Galneryus, Alhambra, Sabbat, etc.: Yasushi Kuroiwa, Toshiyuki Sueyoshi, Kazuhisa Tochihara, Katsuji Kirita, Sadaki Ieda, Masaki Tachi, Yuuki Nakajima and the list goes on and on. The fact that this band got famous when Japan had such an impressive roster of bands to begin with is embarrassing.
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