WTF Babymetal?!

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Came as soon as I could. Seriously, like, this might be old news to most of you guys, but I was genuinely shocked today after finding out about this abomination called Babymetal, that seems to have gained popularity over the past few years. I don't consider myself to be an orthodox metal fan, quite the contrary, but dear lawd, what the fuck has this world come to?! With all the great metal music there is, this is the shit that gets popular?! WTF?! Why?!

Also, don't get me wrong, those guys playing in their band are obviously very talented and the production is as professional as it gets, but the content and means of presentation... I mean, you take the most majestic of music genres and combine it with incredibly obnoxious teenage girls who essentially sing j-pop vocals. That's like, the most disgusting combination I've seen in art in general, ever. It's like shitting on a Van Gogh - you just don't do that.

...phew, sorry for being so negative, needed to get this off my chest in a place where I assume at least a few people will share my disgust :puke: . Not like I'm against people doing and listening to what they want, I just clearly wasn't prepared for this crap :D .

It must be clear by now that they are not just a gimmick as some might have thought them to be, Babymetal have been on the scene for more than 5 yrs now and growing. They are definitely metal, shit/crappy metal to some but can't be anything otherwise imo. I think in case of some metalheads there's a fear deep down or some delusion that if they start listening to sub genres like babymetal, they might get pulled away from the metal music they usually listen to. But they have to realize that once you like Metal music you are its fan forever and there's no way someone or something's gonna take it away from you. Now that like Babymetal doesn't mean that I am gonna stop listening to Meshuggah, Gojira, Megadeth, Pantera,Insomnium, Belakor,KMFDM or any other Metal bands I love. And for the haters I want to say that Babymetal gonna rise much higher than what they have achieved till date, so just look away and concentrate on what you love listening to.
No I don't think that's the reason a lot of people think Babymetal is shit. If you need to implant fear in someone's opinions just to make yourself feel better about liking Babymetal, I feel sorry for you.
Okay guys...

Look, music is to be enjoyed, most music bands are an act already, if not put together themselves then put together by the music industry.

These girls take their job way more serious then a lot of metal players do, they've been training since they were 9 or something, I think I heard one even say 5 rofl. Fact is it was there dream, to become idols, they were brought into the band by a guy who fucking loves metal and has produced jrock/jmetal bands for a while now. Their songs are written by veteran metal writers, independent metal writers who worked their way up from Vocaloid and other underground singers. That's great! The girls were introduced to metal and the idea of creating a "metal" idol group by the producer, since he went to seek for talent. Su is a fucking amazing musician, she sings amazing before even joining this group. The other two are amazing dancers, they choreographed anime dances perfectly and won shows before they were even 10. What great achievements and amazing devotement and progression these kids have done already, gosh I'm even jealous! They could teach people a thing about towards a goal.

Have you guys seen ladybeard? He's an asutralian cross dresser/wrestler who dreamed to go to japan and sing jpop songs in metal, well he made his dream come true. He's awesome. What amazing people these guys are.

The babymetals band has one of marty friedmens members as their guitarist, and that guitarist will fucking kick your ass.

people who endorse, support or w/e them are Metallica, Marty Friedmen, Marilyn mansion, slayer, slash (alot of others) also lady gaga (who is also a fucking amazing musician, why the hate? She graduated from the top music school in america, can play mutliple instruments. Is it even about music anymore, or are you guys stuck in those teenage years of OmGosh kelly like LMAO hav U hard ThAt New pop Single, EWWWWW gross like I only like HARDCORE METAL I wud nevAR listen to someting as gross as THAT! Classical? ewwwww so boring, there arn't even drums! liek lame!

These bands get it, and they're alot more mature then the people who don't get. You guys are literally being racist but in music sense. HOW DARE THESE NON NORWEGIAN PLAY METAL. THERE IS NO WAY SPANISH GIRL VOCALS SHOULD BE IN METAL.

Japan gives no fucks of your preconception of what music is and is suppose to be, they mix classical and all kinds of genre into their jazz induced jpop songs. The theory into jpop already is more advanced then some metal bands around here. Typically using jazzy 7ths, 9ths, odd rythms, atleast 3 keychanges a song, borrowed chords, flattends, suspends, alot of dissonance. Check out Yasutaka Nakata.

The babymetal genre may seem unique, but it has been underground before this band came out. I love this music. It was usually featured in underground releases of denpa bands.

The girls singing actually got into metal, they were shown metallica and other bands and it was different at first but now they love it. I've seen guys bring their little girls to the show, and alot of young kids love them. What the fuck is wrong with that? That's great imo. Would you rather these kids go to a justin bieber concert and fan idolize that little fuck?

IMO, grow up guys, the world is vast and unexplored, you can't keep them on the plantation forever.

Also note, I didn't register just to reply here, I produce metal and rock and have been meaning to register for a while. Just the people on other forums (gearslutz, kvr, ultimateguitar) seem to be a lot more accepting of this band then you guys.
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These bands get it, and they're alot more mature then the people who don't get. You guys are literally being racist but in music sense. HOW DARE THESE NON NORWEGIAN PLAY METAL. THERE IS NO WAY SPANISH GIRL VOCALS SHOULD BE IN METAL.

I get what Babymetal is, but I still think that their music is annoying and badly done.

I also didn't see anyone here say that only Norwegians should make metal.
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The guy mixed a lot of bullshit together in one post under some sort of emotional stress or something.
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Nah, I only listened and learned about the band 3 days ago, researched them because it was so interesting. Just I feel you guys are really immature here, but actually this is a music fan forum not a production forum so opinions tend to totally differ. I probably shouldn't even be posting here lol
Nah I'm with ya dude. Dora the Explorer goes metal. I'm not buying albums but I think it's a great kid band and definitely talented musicians. I'd pay to see them.

May have already commented here.
Okay guys...

Look, music is to be enjoyed, most music bands are an act already, if not put together themselves then put together by the music industry.

These girls take their job way more serious then a lot of metal players do, they've been training since they were 9 or something, I think I heard one even say 5 rofl. Fact is it was there dream, to become idols, they were brought into the band by a guy who fucking loves metal and has produced jrock/jmetal bands for a while now. Their songs are written by veteran metal writers, independent metal writers who worked their way up from Vocaloid and other underground singers. That's great! The girls were introduced to metal and the idea of creating a "metal" idol group by the producer, since he went to seek for talent. Su is a fucking amazing musician, she sings amazing before even joining this group. The other two are amazing dancers, they choreographed anime dances perfectly and won shows before they were even 10. What great achievements and amazing devotement and progression these kids have done already, gosh I'm even jealous! They could teach people a thing about towards a goal.

Have you guys seen ladybeard? He's an asutralian cross dresser/wrestler who dreamed to go to japan and sing jpop songs in metal, well he made his dream come true. He's awesome. What amazing people these guys are.

The babymetals band has one of marty friedmens members as their guitarist, and that guitarist will fucking kick your ass.

people who endorse, support or w/e them are Metallica, Marty Friedmen, Marilyn mansion, slayer, slash (alot of others) also lady gaga (who is also a fucking amazing musician, why the hate? She graduated from the top music school in america, can play mutliple instruments. Is it even about music anymore, or are you guys stuck in those teenage years of OmGosh kelly like LMAO hav U hard ThAt New pop Single, EWWWWW gross like I only like HARDCORE METAL I wud nevAR listen to someting as gross as THAT! Classical? ewwwww so boring, there arn't even drums! liek lame!

These bands get it, and they're alot more mature then the people who don't get. You guys are literally being racist but in music sense. HOW DARE THESE NON NORWEGIAN PLAY METAL. THERE IS NO WAY SPANISH GIRL VOCALS SHOULD BE IN METAL.

Japan gives no fucks of your preconception of what music is and is suppose to be, they mix classical and all kinds of genre into their jazz induced jpop songs. The theory into jpop already is more advanced then some metal bands around here. Typically using jazzy 7ths, 9ths, odd rythms, atleast 3 keychanges a song, borrowed chords, flattends, suspends, alot of dissonance. Check out Yasutaka Nakata.

The babymetal genre may seem unique, but it has been underground before this band came out. I love this music. It was usually featured in underground releases of denpa bands.

The girls singing actually got into metal, they were shown metallica and other bands and it was different at first but now they love it. I've seen guys bring their little girls to the show, and alot of young kids love them. What the fuck is wrong with that? That's great imo. Would you rather these kids go to a justin bieber concert and fan idolize that little fuck?

IMO, grow up guys, the world is vast and unexplored, you can't keep them on the plantation forever.

Also note, I didn't register just to reply here, I produce metal and rock and have been meaning to register for a while. Just the people on other forums (gearslutz, kvr, ultimateguitar) seem to be a lot more accepting of this band then you guys.

So it's essentially an American Idol-esque, Backstreet Boys-esque publicity project that doesn't suck because the girls (who don't write any of their music and merely exist for yellow fever purposes) started playing instruments and dreaming about stardom when they were still learning how to use the toilet properly?


The members of Hellhammer learned their instruments for the most part while they were writing the songs and they'll be remembered and worshipped forever while Babymetal is forgotten in the archives of weeaboo culture.

Because passion is more important than any of the bullshit you talked about.
No I don't think that's the reason a lot of people think Babymetal is shit. If you need to implant fear in someone's opinions just to make yourself feel better about liking Babymetal, I feel sorry for you.
That's exactly the reason lots of grumpy fucks hate Babymetal, hurling abuses at them sitting in their couches, they are afraid and offended by 18 year olds, . While on the other hand Babymetal are touring the world giving solid sold out performances wherever they go. They rocked hard at Sonisphere 2014 playing alongside the likes of Metallica, Slayer & Iron Maiden. Even the metalheads who had no idea about Babymetal thinking to them as a filler act, loved their performance(Go look at some sonisphere 14 babymetal videos if you have doubts about what I am saying). Some critics have even changed their opinion about babymetal after Sonisphere, some even saying they were the best thing to have happened at Sonisphere. There are definitely metal lovers who don't like babymetal's style of music, but out of them a significant portion don't get bothered by it and listen to the music they love and go on with their lives,\m/ SALUTE to them \m/. Unlike few hate spewing metal elitist who like to take to Internet to spread the poison swelling up inside of them. If they have guts then why not gather around a babymetal concert venue and shout out loud how they get offended and scared by their teen voices and dancing on a metal tune. Seriously, do that and then maybe we may consider that Babymetal has gone too far with their style of music and is in some way a threat to the Metal Community.robzombiebabymetal.jpg
This is a thread about Babymetal on a discussion board so obviously people are going to post their opinions on them. That doesn't make them poisonous or whatever you're trying to imply.

You pretty much lost me at the part where you said they have some "metal veteran writers" writing their songs. You bang on about their achievements and how talented they and they don't even write their own songs?
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