WTF is "Glue"

SSL Still brings the LULZ though, seriously if your JOKING about it thats one thing, but if you are being all BANTHISMOTHERFUCKERCAUSEHESUSINGCRACKEDPLUGINS!!!

Haha, yes. That's more of what I was getting at. The jokes are funny. The complete revival of the entire situation is not. Plus, you're pretty much grandfathered in with your comments, hahaha.

Point is, NS is a talented dude. Both as a guitar player and a mixer. I actually look forward to new mixes posted by him and I think they have plenty of glue and cohesion.

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Haha, yes. That's more of what I was getting at. The jokes are funny. The complete revival of the entire situation is not. Plus, you're pretty much grandfathered in with your comments, hahaha.

Point is, NS is a talented dude. Both as a guitar player and a mixer. I actually look forward to new mixes posted by him and I think they have plenty of glue and cohesion.

(Relevant post is now relevant)

Thanks! =)
Actually I was glad to read the last few posts because the last couple of times I looked on here I nearly posted very similar replies as I was getting pissed off and felt bad for NS.

I am a newb round here and I came into the shit fight late so I don't know the whole story but what ever it is I can see very clearly that NSGuitar has paid his dues, if anything I give him credit to be man enough to stick around, post, ask questions ans still take YOU GUYS seriously.

I am sick and tired of threads being hi jacked by people making jokes at his expense when IMHO he is one of the more talented senior members of this forum, its ruining what was a great site.
The funny thing is the people that are the worst NSGuitar forum hi jackers are also the ones who claim to hate trollers with a passion...... and probably the ones that claim to have 12 inch cocks too lol so if YOU can tell a white lie and get away with it, so can he.

He mixes better and plays guitar better than me,therefore he has my respect.

SSL Still brings the LULZ though, seriously if your JOKING about it thats one thing, but if you are being all BANTHISMOTHERFUCKERCAUSEHESUSINGCRACKEDPLUGINS!!!

Then ya'll need to GTFO!

Reason I say this is cause I know 90% of you mother fuckers are all using some kind of cracked shit. WE ALL HAVE at one point. So get off your fucking soap box and throw your dirty ass in the laundry.

And this is the last I want to fucking hear about it!!!

So for some LULZ I give you:

hahaha man this is so fucking awesome :muahaha:
glue is compensating between a perfect mix and a horrible mix. see, a perfect mix already is glued together, eq balance is full and pleasant to the ear, compression is complimentary and reverb is natural and giving a full sound. put a ssl on a perfect mix and you might ruin it. put it on a horrible mix and it might glue.

so glue to me, if needed, is getting a nice DB or two pumping over a mix, depending on the style, the rest should be done in the mix