WTF Is That Smell...


May 29, 2011
On new concert t-shirts? Is it mold? Absolutley horrible odor!

The reason I ask is I'm allergic to mold and I'm wondering if some of the reactions I've had at concerts are due to the t-shirts I've bought at the shows.

The smell seems to go away after a wash or two, but damn, does it stink up the car on the ride home!:lol:
when i was younger and living at home my mum put shirts i didnt wear much in plastic sleeves,works a treat,she also took great care handwashing all my black tshirts,they are like new even today:)
Oh yes ... I'm not the only one!!! That fucking smell! It's the paint dye surely.

I find turning the shirts inside out and a gentle hand wash keeps them from fading or falling apart.

Fuck me - Domesticated Metal head advice ;-)
The dye? Makes sense. The shirts are kept in boxes until the show, so the smell of the dye just builds up on them. Thanks guys, now I don't have to stop buying shirts at shows! Good thing, since that's about all I ever wear.:lol: