WTF is up with my ts-9

cobhc said:

This is first without the ts-9, then with, same settings as andy use's brand new battery, and running into my preamp, no noise gate or anything, any ideas as it seems to be killing the gain, and muddying up the tone, instead of the other way around lol

can you be a little bit more descriptive as to what your setup is.....i.e. amp mic pre


I just listened to the thing.....what is with the reverb / delay....take it off it sounds like crap....
i'm not bothered about the tone dude, it's only why the ts-9 is dropping the gain like mad, it did it with my line6 amp, before i got my rack.
cobhc said:
i'm not bothered about the tone dude, it's only why the ts-9 is dropping the gain like mad, it did it with my line6 amp, before i got my rack.

If your not bothered by the tone then why did you post a clip.....serious what is your setup.....I can't suggest anything if I am not sure you are running things properly........from your first post it leads me to think that you are doing guitar->amp->mic->Ts-9-> this is the case then thats the problem....
no, it goes guitar -> ts-9 -> rack -> mic

epi les paul standard, ibanez standard ts-9, lee jackson gp-1000 preamp, rocktron intellifex, peavey classic series 50/50 poweramp, stock marshall 1936 2x12, shure sm57, m-audio delta 10/10LT, recorded using windows sound recorder as i didnt have cubase installed then.
No to sound like a dick but the overall tone needs help.....but you said "I am not worried about the tone" putting that aside I think the first half sounds way better then the second a matter of fact I think the TS-9 is doing what it is suppose to be doing.....the first half is much tighter and focused which might lead you to think that there is a drop in distortion....and even if there was it still sounds better.....
Suicide_As_Alibi said:
Dude, he said the first half is WITHOUT the TS-9 - so the bit you like better isn't using it. Which is the whole point I think.

I can't help though, I don't use one.


I re-track my statment.....I need to learn how to read better.......eaither way it is still a little hard to tell with the verb/delay on.....I will listen to it again....but what "I" generally like is a nice tight focused attack.....this might not be what you like.....
I still feel like the first one is tighter.......I don't know if this has to do with the playing between the two, the verb/delay musshing things up, or the ts-9 doing things.....
chadsxe said:
I still feel like the first one is tighter.......I don't know if this has to do with the playing between the two, the verb/delay musshing things up, or the ts-9 doing things.....

Totally missing the point, dude. He says that he thinks the TS-9 isn't working right, not asking how you like the tone. Most people on here say that a boosted amp sounds tighter, etc. etc., and he is saying he's NOT getting that with his setup and provided a clip WITHOUT the boost and then WITH IT. Obviously, if everything in his rig holds true to other people's opinions of OD pedals, the 2nd part should sound better than the first and it doesn''re just affirming a fact he already knows.

I don't use OD pedals, but I hear what you mean. It sounds like it's a tad darker and more spongy, but kinda like less gain.

To me, it sounds like you are starting with a tone that has too much gain as it is. I've always looked at boosting an amp is best achieved by using less gain on the amp and then boosting that up to the desired gain level with the OD pedal. Throw up a clip of a lower gain tone and then switch on the boost. Might be easier to daignose the problem hearing a cleaner tone to begin with and then seeing how the boost affects that. I'm apt to say that it's OK, just that since you are starting with a pretty high level of gain, the OD is just adding the sponginess and taking away the tight gainy sound. After all, once you get past a threshold, too much gain just smears the tone, IMO.

Also, what the term "tight" may mean different things to different people. Any time I've tried an OD pedal, it didn't tighten up the tone in a sense of making the attack faster and more articulate...Actually in some cases it most definitely did the opposite. I've slowly began to take the idea of "tightening" up a gainy tone by boosting means to bring the frequencies across the spectrum closer together, if that makes sense... as if the boost makes the tone more punchy and compact. At least, that's how I've began taking the term.
nwright said:
Totally missing the point, dude. He says that he thinks the TS-9 isn't working right, not asking how you like the tone. Most people on here say that a boosted amp sounds tighter, etc. etc., and he is saying he's NOT getting that with his setup and provided a clip WITHOUT the boost and then WITH IT. Obviously, if everything in his rig holds true to other people's opinions of OD pedals, the 2nd part should sound better than the first and it doesn''re just affirming a fact he already knows.

I don't use OD pedals, but I hear what you mean. It sounds like it's a tad darker and more spongy, but kinda like less gain.

To me, it sounds like you are starting with a tone that has too much gain as it is. I've always looked at boosting an amp is best achieved by using less gain on the amp and then boosting that up to the desired gain level with the OD pedal. Throw up a clip of a lower gain tone and then switch on the boost. Might be easier to daignose the problem hearing a cleaner tone to begin with and then seeing how the boost affects that. I'm apt to say that it's OK, just that since you are starting with a pretty high level of gain, the OD is just adding the sponginess and taking away the tight gainy sound. After all, once you get past a threshold, too much gain just smears the tone, IMO.

Also, what the term "tight" may mean different things to different people. Any time I've tried an OD pedal, it didn't tighten up the tone in a sense of making the attack faster and more articulate...Actually in some cases it most definitely did the opposite. I've slowly began to take the idea of "tightening" up a gainy tone by boosting means to bring the frequencies across the spectrum closer together, if that makes sense... as if the boost makes the tone more punchy and compact. At least, that's how I've began taking the term.

got it working properly i think..............panic over, i just plain need a new amp lol
nwright said:
you're just affirming a fact he already knows.

And you are just affirming that fact that in the end that was my whole point...but thanks for the effort....
NathanSoulfracture said:
he just plain needs a new amp.

Well I could have told you that from the start but I figured there might be something more to it.....even with the setup he has he should be getting better result.....
nwright said:
well, if it makes sense to you, then OK.

Then were square....hahah:Smug: ....I just checked out your band on MySpace.....which one are you.....not to bad....we should get a gig together.....I am from south Chicago....