WTF is up with my ts-9

chadsxe said:
Then were square....hahah:Smug: ....I just checked out your band on MySpace.....which one are you.....not to bad....we should get a gig together.....I am from south Chicago....

I'm the fatass guitar player. We've since dropped that singer and got a new one and we are recording ATM. Our style has changed a bit to a little bit heavier and stright up metal, I guess you'd say...
I just got the TS9 today and hooked it up in this order:

ESP V-350 w/EMG 81's>TS9>5150 Head

All I can say is that it's well worth the $100 I spent on it. I think it will have a nice spot in my rig for a long time to come.Thanks for the input guys.
TheRiverFlowsFrozen said:
I just got the TS9 today and hooked it up in this order:

ESP V-350 w/EMG 81's>TS9>5150 Head

All I can say is that it's well worth the $100 I spent on it. I think it will have a nice spot in my rig for a long time to come.Thanks for the input guys.

all i can say is....................bastard, i want that rig :loco:
Well honestly isnt the point of using the TS-9 to tighten the sound and pull back on amp gain when recording -- IE gettting a "CLEANER" sound.

Honestly just cause some guys here like it doesnt mean you have too. I know plenty of guys who dont use the TS-9 beofre thir amps and love it.

Personally im a TS-9 or Maxxon guy... i love what it does to ANY Amp, Modeler, or Preamp....

its all personal prefereance