WTF is up with my ts-9

Settings on the TS or on the rig......I seen your picture in the other thread and they seemed like they were in the ball park on the TS
I just order a TS9 and it should be here in a couple days. I'll be running it into a 5150. How much of a difference is there in the sound if set properly? Does anyone agree that the difference would be worth the $100 I spent on it? a search man, the TS9 in front of a 5150 is worth more than the $100 you spent on it. Maybe you should spend a few days sifting through all of the 5150+TS-9 threads here and you'll see.

Thanks, man. I have searched all over several forums (including this one) and ordered it based on the input posted by everyone. I hadn't heard a clip of the 5150+TS9 and the one that Andy posted isn't available anymore. I didn't like the recording posted I was just curious.
TheRiverFlowsFrozen said:
Thanks, man. I have searched all over several forums (including this one) and ordered it based on the input posted by everyone. I hadn't heard a clip of the 5150+TS9 and the one that Andy posted isn't available anymore. I didn't like the recording posted I was just curious.

Do you listen to metal.....If yes then there is a 99.9% chance that you have....
TheRiverFlowsFrozen said:
I just order a TS9 and it should be here in a couple days. I'll be running it into a 5150. How much of a difference is there in the sound if set properly? Does anyone agree that the difference would be worth the $100 I spent on it?

How does a river flow when it is frozen?

Would not a more appropriate name be WhenTheIceCondensates?
EtherForBreakfast said:
How does a river flow when it is frozen?

Would not a more appropriate name be WhenTheIceCondensates?

Do you listen to metal? If would probably have heard of Eternal Tears of Sorrow.
Eternal Tears of Sorrow makes sense... someone who has sorrow might shed eternal tears.

But a frozen flowing river strikes me as a bit odd. It sounds almost Eskimo like in origin. Is it Eskimo Metal?
Ahhh... I see now.

The River Flows Frozen is track 11 from their CD A Virgin and a Whore.

It is a good thing they did not call the album The Virginal Whore, cuz that would have totally thrown me for a loop.

Do you have their EP The Obese Bulimic?
Fuggedaboutit dude, name a single frozen river that doesn't flow. Most frozen rivers have a layer of ice on top and flowing water below. Even a glacier flows slowly. Totally off topic, sorry.
Hammer Bart said:
Fuggedaboutit dude, name a single frozen river that doesn't flow. Most frozen rivers have a layer of ice on top and flowing water below. Even a glacier flows slowly. Totally off topic, sorry.

How's about a frozen ether cup for breakfast? Does it flows trough oesophagus?:)
"I just order a TS9 and it should be here in a couple days. I'll be running it into a 5150. How much of a difference is there in the sound if set properly? Does anyone agree that the difference would be worth the $100 I spent on it?"
mh....i've used both a ts and a sd-1 in front of my 5150 (rhythm channel). i prefer the sd1 with the 5150, but that's a matter of taste really. the sd1 has more "metallic" sounding highs and less of that mid hump, whereas the ts is smoother with more midrange. regardless of the type of boosting device it's a HUGE improvement over the unboosted sound, so don't worry. the lead channel sounds OK without a boost, but the rhythm channel NEEDS it.
you did good ;)