WTF is wrong with the kids??

come to think of it, theres a whole ton of stupid shit i've rolled up and attempted to smoke
always a good time
I once ate a spoonfull of kitchensalt acting with my friends like it was cocaine (lol, with a spoon, i know)...
Lets just say the liquid brown was unstoppable at one moment.
That kid with the sunglasses annoys the hell out of me. "I'm so cool yeah." Hopefully they will get smarter when they grow older. There's always some people who don't though.
What the hell? THESE are Smarties...


We call those things Rockets over here...


I can't believe they don't sell Smarties in the US, they are like the McDonalds of candy, I thought it was a massive enterprise...

ahhhhh, that's why i was getting confused, i would have thought America would have the 'real' smarties...

I loved it in the morning show vid when they said, 'they even hold them like a real cigarette!'

How else are you meant to hold them... :err:
hahahahaha. funny. i snorted kool-aid once. the last day of school in 4th grade. purple up the left nostril, and color changing orange to blue up the right. i had a cold though. so for about 3 days after that every time i blew my nose the snot was rainbow colored. ahhh, good times.
I've smoked EVERYTHING myself when I was a kid...from bananapeel, horse-hair to soil. but we actually lit it and smoked it.

You have smoked SOIL??????????? Hahaha! WTF, is that why you purchased a KRANK!:heh:

Well, I have to go to work tonight, and I work at MARS. There is enough M&Ms there to supply the whole of Columbia.