WTF is wrong with the kids??

What the hell? THESE are Smarties...


We call those things Rockets over here...


I can't believe they don't sell Smarties in the US, they are like the McDonalds of candy, I thought it was a massive enterprise...

we have real smarties the look like this:

but the say smarties instead. I have never seen that first pic you posted ever, unless they stopeed making smarties, I just had some probably a year ago if even that. I think those are chewy smarties, must be something new.

when I was in the 7th grade me and my firend snorted crushed altoids, and spearmint thats fucking brutal!:kickass:
I have never seen that first pic you posted ever, unless they stopeed making smarties, I just had some probably a year ago if even that. I think those are chewy smarties, must be something new.

They have been along since the early 80's here in Sweden, and they are made of chocolate covered with some crispy layer that is supposed to taste like fruit(But i think they only taste like sugar.).. like M&M's.
Ive never seen that kind of smarties that they smoke in those videos though, but it looks kinda like "lakrisal". ;X

Damn, never thought id get this confused over candy! :lol:
in the UK they are called Switzels and LoveHearts. There is no way you could do this with Nestle Smarties.

LOL - Dr Liza Thornton is bloke...c'mon!

This world is fucked...isn't it?????