WWW.HEADBANG.CO.UK takes a look at Mikael Akerfeldt


Reaper Incarnate
Jun 13, 2003
Hey guys, im doing the advertising rounds and thought id say hi to you all.

THIS IS OPETH RELATED. just sos ya know :)

ok so please visit us at www.headbang.co.uk and check out all the articles if ya have a chance but the main one you may be interested in is in the Legends of Headbang pullout, a look at Mikael Akerfeldt the legend according to Richie.


Hope ya like the articles ya read and any feedback will be welcome and taken into account :)
Whoever wrote that article desperately needs to learn where, and when, to use commas.

well...he was only 10 when he heard Blackwater Park...so assuming he was 10 when it was JUST released, he's only 16...

and therefore very stupid.

at least he likes opeth, and he's not your average 16 year old braindead shitbag.
it's replies like these that remind me of how justified my behavior in that Fear of a Blank Planet thread is and why it's so entertaining
ok, so it aint the best lol... :) no nice things at all then :) sucky ah well :)

The writer of that artical also wrote the art of metal article on the main zine. He is new to writing and until now has only handled photoshop for the covers. So i found it was a brave attempt to try and explain what he liked about them.

Ya know I can only hope more bands get fans like you guys to really support them and be the least bit pleasant about someone elses support of a band they love. Seriously, such a friendly atmosphere from u all.

At least HB is trying to support the metal community, not insult others for their efforts.

Did anyone like anything else about the zine?
Reinforcing the stereotype that all metalheads are illiterate neanderthals is a good thing?

There are far too many stupid people getting away with far too many stupid things in this world. Let one stupid person get away with it and you have to let others get away with it, and before you know it this kid is president of the United States. You have to stop the little problems before they become big problems.
I would also like to know what's so bad about it. It's a great article for a 16 (or maybe younger) year old and maybe not native english. I'm 16 and couldn't write that well. Some of you seriously need to deflate your heads and take them out of your arses.
Reinforcing the stereotype that all metalheads are illiterate neanderthals is a good thing?

There are far too many stupid people getting away with far too many stupid things in this world. Let one stupid person get away with it and you have to let others get away with it, and before you know it this kid is president of the United States. You have to stop the little problems before they become big problems.

I do despise the likes of this comment. It completely takes the truest stereo~type of metalheads.

neanderthols, I was call that your behaviour. Not poor grammar!

The stereo-type that applies to metalheads, one that I feel more true when I see reactions like this, is that Metalheads are arrogant, extreemly pretentious and very unfriendly! Its loutish behaviour like yours that makes people stay away from forums and gigs, what's the point if your gonna get a chav like `I'm better than you!` reaction.

Thankyou for the support shown at least I know the stereo-type isn't total on this board.

Rock on!

HeadBang.co.uk - we embrace those who dare to be different!
"Ironeagle," you should probably make an attempt to intergrate some basic grammar into your posts, given the nature of most of our members' complaints...

Also, I'm 16, and I'm finishing a six-part novel. I've also had many of my shorter works of fiction published in various magazines and e-zines. Age is really not an excuse for this dude.


well...he was only 10 when he heard Blackwater Park...so assuming he was 10 when it was JUST released, he's only 16...

and therefore very stupid.

at least he likes opeth, and he's not your average 16 year old braindead shitbag.

this is fairly ignorant, since your average adult is equally braindead and shittastic. It is nice that you thought to do the age calculation, though; my first reaction was "English must not be his first language!"
"Ironeagle," you should probably make an attempt to intergrate some basic grammar into your posts, given the nature of most of our members' complaints...

Also, I'm 16, and I'm finishing a six-part novel. I've also had many of my shorter works of fiction published in various magazines and e-zines. Age is really not an excuse for this dude.


this is fairly ignorant, since your average adult is equally braindead and shittastic. It is nice that you thought to do the age calculation, though; my first reaction was "English must not be his first language!"

So arrogant, really, come on "I'm finishing a six part novel." I could do that in five mins, doesnt mean it would be any good :) hehe.

I too have had some smaller works published and am working on a novel, which IMHO is shite currently and will take a lot of work. In fact I would go as far to say that I will be 30 before i even consider submitting it for a publishing oppertunity. As I know I will never be truly happy with it until it is complete, and age breeds wisdom, every day i see a new fault or character flaw and endevour to solve it. I am damn proud of my work, but I would not be so stupid as to think that I am better than others for it.

Re. My poor grammar, I do all my posting on a mobile phone on the train to work, this means I have very little time to devote to accuracy and really on a forum post couldn't give a rats arse.

Richie's age is not my concern, just that he was trying to do something good about a guy/band he loves. This should not always be scoffed at so easily.

At least we are trying to do something to benefit the community, the critisism was fine just regarding grammar but to go on to insult the guy really is shitty.

If only you spent the time you waste insulting others and applying your so called 'expertise' to actually making a better online metal community we could have such progress and a lot less apathy. I suppose this is always the case with the internet. People would rather insult others that be productive them selves, very much a case of -

Those who cant DO, Teach!

I have re-read the article, and it isn't as horrible as it could be. However, he should have done more proofreading and revision to make it stronger and to improve the peice overall.

In my last post, I failed to take into account the fact that it is extremely unlikely that he has had the same or similar education as myself. I have recieved a rigorous education due to the fact that I have a high I.Q. and my school district is one of the few, or possibly the only, district that offers a full, and completely seperate class system for people who have an I.Q. within the top 10% of people. Therefore, it was unfair in a way for me to judge him based on myself. Now that I am a sophmore in high school, I have had to take honors classes (there is no high school G.A.T.E. program) and when we peer edit essays, I see the difference between the program I was in, and honors. In comparison to some of the essays I have edited between the time I first posted and now, I can see that Richie's article is not as bad as I had first judged it to be.

So arrogant, really, come on "I'm finishing a six part novel." I could do that in five mins, doesnt mean it would be any good :) hehe...

I too have had some smaller works published and am working on a novel, which IMHO is shite currently and will take a lot of work. In fact I would go as far to say that I will be 30 before i even consider submitting it for a publishing oppertunity. As I know I will never be truly happy with it until it is complete, and age breeds wisdom, every day i see a new fault or character flaw and endevour to solve it. I am damn proud of my work, but I would not be so stupid as to think that I am better than others for it.

I'm not calling myself an "expert," simply pointing out that age is not an excuse for ignorance (or a poor grasp of the English language) and that the poster who referred to sixteen-year-olds as "braindead shitbags" should reevaluate his opinion. As for my writing experience, the information I cited is simple fact, and not "arrogant" in any way; you're adding subtext that isn't there. All I've done is illustrate my point through example.

Obviously my first attempt at a lengthy work of fiction is going to be meandering, confusing, and flawed. I only mention it to demonstrate that there are people my age who have the patience and interest to undertake such a project.

Re. My poor grammar, I do all my posting on a mobile phone on the train to work, this means I have very little time to devote to accuracy and really on a forum post couldn't give a rats arse.

...and it shows. Shitty promotion for your magazine, eh?

I agree that grammar isn't a big deal in forum posts, but given the fact that most people's gripe with your 'zine's aritcle revolved around that point, perhaps you should have taken the time to compose a response in comprensible English...? Your posts had me picturing you as some crazy tr00 metal Swedish dude :lol:

Richie's age is not my concern, just that he was trying to do something good about a guy/band he loves. This should not always be scoffed at so easily.

At least we are trying to do something to benefit the community, the critisism was fine just regarding grammar but to go on to insult the guy really is shitty.

I'm not insulting the guy- the parts of his article that I could understand seemed fairly reasonable. He should just work on fun things like spelling and grammar before posting an article in a magazine, and you should probably consider a more rigorous editing process if you intend to represent the "metal community" you're constantly referencing.

If only you spent the time you waste insulting others and applying your so called 'expertise' to actually making a better online metal community we could have such progress and a lot less apathy. I suppose this is always the case with the internet.

Since you have no idea what I do in my spare time (aside from the fact that I've written some short stories and a book) I think your criticism of my "apathy" towards the online metal community is a bit unfounded. As far as you know, I spend my weekends teaching poor handicapped orphan babies about the joys of Maiden. Also, I took around a minute on each of these posts between chapters of Don Quixote; I'm not sure what other "productive" things you think I should have utilized that time for...?

...very much a case of -

Those who cant DO, Teach!

Yes, but not the way I think that you're implying :heh:

Stop treating a poorly edited article like a religious icon and tell your writers to turn on spellcheck in the future. There's nothing inherently wrong with your idea (indie online metal 'zine), just the execution.

Edit: Grammar check, that is. Nothing particularly wrong with the spelling.