Mikael Help me out here

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Well, you see little one, unlike you. I don't really feel that I need to be accepted by a group of absolute morons akin to you and your ilk, nor do I seek approval from them. Part of having a superiority complex is that generally you don't really feel that being accepted by those you consider to be utterly worthless is any kind of accomplishment. On the other hand there have been at least two other people that have posted on this thread that agree with me. I wouldn't go assuming that you know what everyone else on here thinks either. That would be arrogant in a way even I wouldn't be. Anyway I don't expect you to get what I just said so off you go and write your next idiotic post.
atleast 2 other people, amongst how many?...listen guy your fruitless condescending tone is really getting you no where, because even if you think you are almighty, your not. your just some cock smoking sociopath who thinks that a few big words will make someone feel subordinate. anyways i dont expect any of this to sink into your egotistical yet futile mind, youll probobly just come up with some more of that "again your speaking for others you dimwitted junior" bullshit.
because...youve put SO much effort into this forum lately with your shenanigans, i cant help but be curious as to what the reason for all this is...if not for acceptance/approval. if you are actually as superior and above everyone here as you claim.
Perhaps it is just benevolence on my part. On the other hand why would I have to justify it at all? Wouldn't that be seeking approval in itself?
Nothinggod said:
You bore me too. Another uneducated dimwit making completely irrelevant assumptions to justify their idiotic point of view. And yes if some fuck in a wheelchair carried on with the same banal shit as you and the other morons I wouldn't discriminate. I leave that for myopic, prejudiced, uneducated fuckwits like you.

By the way there is nothing arrogant about thinking you are better than the kind of idiot that posts that pile of shit you just did. Also you abject retard, What position do you think you are in to tell me how to discuss music? Let me guess music is an art not a science right? Typical response of any play by feel retard who knows nothing about what they are talking about.

[edit] This is yet another classic example of shortage mentality as I outlined in my previous post.

Really, your superior complex is through the roof. When did I say I know everything about what I am talking about? Where did I say I'm an expert? Telling me I am telling you how to discuss music and making out I act like I know everything is utter bullshit and you know it you fucking liar. The fact that everyone doesn't perform musical analysis in which way you do, getting all technical and talking about music elements and such, really gets to you. I didn't tell you to stop being technical you moron, I just said, don't lay into everyone else who can't be bothered explaining their choice in fine detail. Not everyone feels the need to do so, can't you get that through your head?

Also if everyone here is a retard, moron, whatever unjustified label you give them, why the hell are you here? Why feel the need to banter to idiots? What is it that makes you come here? Hence the superior complex. Don't tell me thats unjustified you moron, you get off over it. Otherwise give me a reason why you are hear, what the hell do you expect from this place? Kids are allowed to like Opeth too, you bitter, sad bastard.
dishcloth said:
Really, your superior complex is through the roof. When did I say I know everything about what I am talking about? Where did I say I'm an expert? Telling me I am telling you how to discuss music and making out I act like I know everything is utter bullshit and you know it you fucking liar. The fact that everyone doesn't perform musical analysis in which way you do, getting all technical and talking about music elements and such, really gets to you. I didn't tell you to stop being technical you moron, I just said, don't lay into everyone else who can't be bothered explaining their choice in fine detail. Not everyone feels the need to do so, can't you get that through your head?

Also if everyone here is a retard, moron, whatever unjustified label you give them, why the hell are you here? Why feel the need to banter to idiots? What is it that makes you come here? Hence the superior complex. Don't tell me thats unjustified you moron, you get off over it. Otherwise give me a reason why you are hear, what the hell do you expect from this place? Kids are allowed to like Opeth too, you bitter, sad bastard.

you mean "superiority complex?"
Trust me, I wouldn't even imply in jest that you know anything about music, let alone everything. I think you would have trouble telling your head from your arsehole. I'm not even going to bother telling you how you contradicted yourself either.
Nothinggod said:
Trust me, I wouldn't even imply in jest that you know anything about music, let alone everything. I think you would have trouble telling your head from your arsehole. I'm not even going to bother telling you how you contradicted yourself either.

I don't care if I contradict myself, so telling me is just useless anyway, I'm sure its not a big deal, as I proved my point either way. You didn't tell me why you are here, and this post is just you taking the easy route. Oh and why would I trust you? You're obviously a loser who has a perverted view on the world and thinks less of people who do not comply with your standards. Obviously I am not good enough for an explaination, which futher sounds weird. Why bother to reply if I bore you so much? Like I said, you love this pointless shit, and if you don't you your pretending to very well. Oh well, I don't have time for this shit dribble you speak, so I'm not going to bother. You know what they say, you keep arguing with an idiot, you end up one. I've made my point, so I'm not going to bother giving you more masturbatory fuel by replying to your pointless rants. Stop with the enema talk and get a life.
Nothinggod said:
Well, you see little one, unlike you. I don't really feel that I need to be accepted by a group of absolute morons akin to you and your ilk, nor do I seek approval from them. Part of having a superiority complex is that generally you don't really feel that being accepted by those you consider to be utterly worthless is any kind of accomplishment. On the other hand there have been at least two other people that have posted on this thread that agree with me. I wouldn't go assuming that you know what everyone else on here thinks either. That would be arrogant in a way even I wouldn't be. Anyway I don't expect you to get what I just said so off you go and write your next idiotic post.

You have no point. See above
Nothinggod said:
You have no point. See above

Of course I have a point you mental. I never said anything about you trying to fit in, so stop making that up. You are only doing this to make yourself feel better, to hide your inadequacies, otherwise you would of given me an explaination about it. Denial, another associatation of your condition. Once again, you are making shit up. I have a point. You don't even have a clue.

Oh and this might be an irrelevant assumption, who cares. You have been making them in nearly every post you create. I assume this guy is a retard, I assume I am better than him. Blah blah blah.

I don't feel I am better than anyone here, everyone is equal. But I do know I don't have the problems you do.
I think the real point is that you have shortage mentality and really have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not going to waste my time pointing out where you are utterly wrong and full of shit though.
Seriously...when is the last time, if ever, this guy has gotten laid? Someone made that point before and there is truth in that...it is apparant it has been a while. Stop posting scales to novice players and get a warm, real body next to you, loser.

He probably pops on here while online gaming.

Notice he wouldn't answer to his age or occupation(salary is rude, but can be relevent)...that might discount him as the self proclaimed authority.

You sit and study every word and attempt to twist the points to make folks look foolish. In a real world debate or conversation, where human beings interact face to face(probably a foreign concept aside from mommy yelling at you to turn the computer off), there guys would probably argue rings around you and send to cowering into a corner(if leaving your house alone doesn't do that).
i think the real point is that your an unoriginal prick, if we have shortage mentality, please explain what we are missing here?..oohhh wait, you cant so you make up an excuse on how you dont want to waste your time explaining...thats laughable and again...quite predictable, like i said before guy, you suck..but this is just more of my "shortage mentality..junior" lolz
Have you also noticed that I pretty much ignore everything you post you stupid fucker? What is it relevant to dipshit? You are the one that is 40 years old specualting on people's sexlives and telling people you can outshred them like it proves a point. Holy shit if I was you the last thing I would be doing was admiting that I was older than 12. Put it this way though shitbag. You couldn't pay me enough money for an hour of my time to tell you how you are utterly worthless as a musician. There is your answer.
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