Mikael Help me out here

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Nothinggod said:
I think the real point is that you have shortage mentality and really have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not going to waste my time pointing out where you are utterly wrong and full of shit though.

I have no idea what I'm talking about, fair enough. To describe what you are like with any "real accuracy", I would have to know you. I'm glad I don't know you though, because you seem like an arsehole. Even if you are not, going by your attitude here. And the point never was anything to do with me, it was to do with you, so STFU.
Nothinggod said:
Have you also noticed that I pretty much ignore everything you post you stupid fucker? What is it relevant to dipshit? You are the one that is 40 years old specualting on people's sexlives and telling people you can outshred them like it proves a point. Holy shit if I was you the last thing I would be doing was admiting that I was older than 12. Put it this way though shitbag. You couldn't pay me enough money for an hour of my time to tell you how you are utterly worthless as a musician. There is your answer.

Oh, more assumptions, junior. You make more assumptions than anyone, retard. "Junior" and "retard", who's 12?

Skate the point, loser.

You prove nothing and you have no leg to stand on.

Put your money where your mouth is...tell us your fruitful background and great level of success and we'll all concede.
Well, i never thought it'd be achieved, but instead of having the regular ego-trips.. It appears that this forum has come under attack from 500p3r-kvnt5!

My Man Mahmoud and Nothingod!

..I'm starting to think NFU wasn't quite the pompous forum nerd i considered him to be!
I'm closing this thread.

Nothinggod: You are obviously intelligent. You have a large vocabulary and a formal, serious education on music and music theory... even teaching it yourself. I could not agree with you more on your stated take regarding the subjectivity of opinion. Your posts on occasion make me laugh ("with" not "at"). However after reading all 224 of your posts with the aid of the search function, I think it's safe to say you enjoy using these qualities to stir up a bit of controversy and rip your opponent a new one. It's a shame that you squander your assets, reveling in trolling for internet slap fights that are obviously beneath you. It would be nice to see you contribute in a positive way here on Opeth's forum and I invite you to do so. I know you are capable of doing so as I have seen it in a few of your past posts. Perhaps it's just not as fun as the train wreck that this thread became... but you're going to have to have that kind of fun somewhere else. I'm not going to tolerate anything else like this thread on this particular board.

Everyone Else: Most of you should be ashamed of yourselves. Nothinggod is correct in his take regarding several aspects of this forum to varying degrees. He pointed it out (obvious to some but apparently totally undetected to many of you), sucked you in and you proved his point. Learn from this thread. It exists locked rather than deleted as a monument to trolling taken to a slightly higher form.... and those who fall for it.

Don’t worry. When you come strolling out of the bathroom all happy and touched up…… I’m the guy who’ll actually tell you that you have a 9 inch piece of shit covered toilette paper stuck to your shoe.

Cheers all. :kickass:
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