Mikael Help me out here

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Yeah, thanks for that. I couldn't have gone another day without knowing that there was at least one more imbecile with shortage mentality that was utterly beneathe me out there.
I can see where you would envy anyone that owns, let alone knows how to use, a dictionary though. "Your" clearly not in possession of one yourself.
The only reason I could make you feel inferior is that you are. Clearly I have formed my opinion on the matter.

It wasn't a typo, in three or four threads 'your' was used where 'you're' was meant to be. I don't really give a shit that you are an illiterate dullard though. That's fine, I can see how someone who got past reading 'Scruffy the Tugboat' might be a threat to you is all I am saying.

But that is enough off topic banter for me. You and that other utterly worthless bag of horseshit Biggsy can knock heads about the intricacies quantum mechanics, or what ever you two mensa members do when you aren't pretending to be worthless imbeciles on the Opeth forum.
Your username should be "Nothinggood" considering that is what you produce, you are a pitiful site really, and you are now sincerely begining to bore me
ls1norcal said:
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!

Well the problem here is with these dolts, an attempt at an intellectual debate is nothing more than a lesson in futility. Let's face it, these idiots are clearly lacking any ability to think logically. My guess is these idiots have no education.

All these retards want to do is "LOL" each other to sleep while verbally sucking the sap out of Akerfeldt's cock. Anyone who dares interferes with this by bringing up an interesting point or god forbid, uses logic, these fuckers get aggitated and think they're being attacked.
Nothinggod said:
I can see where you would envy anyone that owns, let alone knows how to use, a dictionary though. "Your" clearly not in possession of one yourself.

Oh, but he is clearly "beneathe" you?

I think your problem is that you could use a nice guy or gal or farm animal(whatever your preference) "beneathe" you.

Practice what you preach, cunt.
biggsy said:
Mate really, it's the internet. does typing this sentence with no capitals mean im an illiterate dullard? you're a bit tense dont you think?

He's quite high strung, isn't he?

So Nothingood...this is an Opeth site. Why not tell us your thoughts on the band or the music as opposed to trying to belittle the fans who post here. Regardless of intellect, their opinion is as valid as yours. It's all relative, it's all perception. The perception, as I see from the responses, is that you feel your words hold more value. Well, why don't you explain to everyone here why you feel that way and how that is justified? Are you a music scholar, are you an accomplished musician or composer? or are you simply a self proclaimed expert hiding behind an internet username?
Nothinggod said:
To tell you the truth from a technical point of view that record actually does quite a few things that are quite complex in terms of composition, for example some of their use of antedcedent and consequent phrasing, and the type of parallel motion they employ.

So, why not point out the tracks and locations of some of these phrases and compositional techniques and educate the masses? Wouldn't that be more prudent?
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