Mikael Help me out here

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Prognostic said:
playing victim? why dont you reread my earlier posts in response to your own and then refer to my last one on this page. when did "speak for everyone"?

oh, and you're calling me inadequate when (in reference to your post below the one i quoted) you havent provided any empirical evidence or even anything grounded in fact to your posts yourself.
That's fine Prognostic, I can see that avoiding any kind of response about the issue at hand is more important than addressing the issue itself. I'll leave it there though and rest my case. One last thing though, My beliefs are entirely based on empiricism in a way I highly doubt yours could possibly be.
ls1norcal said:
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!

I guess I would wonder why they wouldn't let you "in" the coffee shop.
schenkadere said:
I guess I would wonder why they wouldn't let you "in" the coffee shop.
the conversation just got dumber + you proved his point

no thanks required. i'm happy to play the part of the peanut gallery
ls1norcal said:
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!

That's what you describe as "passion"? Interesting take.

I'm old school...as for the outside the coffee shop discussion...I would most likely have enough and lay you out. That way, regardless of how stupid I would sound to you, you wouldn't hear me.

And what the hell is an "assclown"?
schenkadere said:
That's what you describe as "passion"? Interesting take.

I'm old school...as for the outside the coffee shop discussion...I would most likely have enough and lay you out. That way, regardless of how stupid I would sound to you, you wouldn't hear me.

And what the hell is an "assclown"?
no more do-overs
schenkadere said:
That's what you describe as "passion"? Interesting take.

I'm old school...as for the outside the coffee shop discussion...I would most likely have enough and lay you out. That way, regardless of how stupid I would sound to you, you wouldn't hear me.

And what the hell is an "assclown"?

I see you favour the intellectual approach to conflict resolution. Chances are though, and speaking for myself, I wouldn't even bother talking to someone like you in a hypothetical coffee shop. So much for not getting worked up though.
Prognostic said:
why should i bother when [paraphrased] you dont expect much of an answer or sound arguments from me or anyone on this forum. it'd be a waste of my effort and bandwidth that could otherwise be used for positive discussion rather than a shitstorm, which will happen if we continue that topic on talent

Anyway... Just so you know I am not skirting the issue this is where you assumed to speak for everyone "you dont expect much of an answer or sound arguments from me or anyone on this forum". Now, I never said that at all. In fact I don't believe I even implied it. I did make some general statments about MOST or A LOT of 'shits', or 'faecal matters', as the case may be, on this forum. You evidently assumed that you are one of them, which in my opinion is a defensive response, hence playing the victim. I do believe there are some people on this forum with some interesting contributions actually, so your assumption is therefore wrong.
Not great at associating math and logic are you? Once again, find comfort in your arbitrary assumptions there, junior. You are too simple to treat with any dignity.
Ahh yeah back to assuming you speak for everyone, and yet here you are yourself. You are remarkably stupid, I have to say. Read what this guy had to say and consider two things. Firstly that you don't in fact speak for everyone afterall and secondly that you are pretty much what they are talking about.
Now run along, you are starting to bore me too.

ls1norcal said:
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!

[edit] By the way dimwit here is the math since you are obviously too stupid to do it yourself. My join date was March 2004 in which time I posted 198 posts. Yours was July 2005 in which time you posted 672. Not as pathetic as some of the shitbags on this forum, but really what position are you in to question what kind of life I have? Also there is clearly no need or point for me to justify what I do with my time to a peon of such low intellectual prowess as you.
Ghost Reveries rules, Ghost Reveries sucks. It's a sellout, it's a brilliant piece of art, don't bother analysing it it just is. The end
Ahh yeah back to assuming you speak for everyone, and yet here you are yourself. You are remarkably stupid, I have to say. Read what this guy had to say and consider two things. Firstly that you don't in fact speak for everyone afterall and secondly that you are pretty much what they are talking about.
Now run along, you are starting to bore me too.
1. im sure schenkadere could really care less what you have to say, as do i
2.do i really care what this guy has to say?, probobly not,and how am i being backed into a corner? I COULD REALLY CARE LESS WHAT YOU THINK LOLZ get it through your head guy, your whole crusade in this thread was a waste of time.

[edit] By the way dimwit here is the math since you are obviously too stupid to do it yourself. My join date was March 2004 in which time I posted 198 posts. Yours was July 2005 in wich time you posted 672. Not as pathetic as some of the shitbags on this forum, but really what position are you in to question what kind of life I have? Also there is clearly no need or point for me to justify what I do with my time to a peon of such low intellectual prowess as you.

look at how heated your getting, im a dimwit and im stupid, but your the one sitting here arguing with everyone. the reason you have no life is because you are sitting here like i said, monologuing to a crowd of "stupid dimwits" trying to "school" them and make them feel bad about themselves, when in reality, you really arent. your just making yourself look like more of a douche than you already have. even if i have more posts than you in a shorter amount of time, doesnt prove anything, most of my posts arent huge arguments derailing threads such yours.

just because i choose to refrain from looking for big words to make you feel like a douche (which you clearly are) does not mean i am intellectually challenged, it just means that i think you are a waste of time, and simply did not feel the need to argue with you

all i said was, your huge argument was a big waste of time, and you go and make a big deal out of one post, you clearly are the loser and the buffoon, not me.
Yes, another case where I really feel no shame in saying I most definitely am better than someone with your pathetic shortage mentallity. You bore me completely, simpleton.
you clearly cannot read, "and simply did not feel the need to argue with you" that was untill you decided you would be the big shot and start to whip out the dictionary to try to insult me, then i figured, let me add to this tool's dull existence
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