Mikael Help me out here

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nothingood...you are ridiculous for keeping up this charade, let it go.

schenker...you cant go ballistic on people for being here and obsessing over a band, then the next moment tell them to "cool their jets". its quite silly

lol seance:lol:

people really need to learn when to let things go. nothinggod, the only thing ive seen you contribute to this forum is argument of ridiculous argument. please, for the sake of everybody here, stop it.
Yes they do, and that might include you, and who cares what you have seen and haven't seen me contribute anyway? Anyway the last page of faecal matter will have to suffice. I can't give a faecal matter to go back and change any more. I hope that keeps you faecal matters happy.
Nothinggod said:
I am radically tiring of being nice to you retards.

I am sure the basic premise remains though. Whether I use what you consider expletives is beside the point completely. Words are words they each have their own etymology and significance. I'm not trying to impress anything on you anyway prognostic since I am still waiting for you to respond to the last discourse you entered into with me about how 'talent' is intrinsically inate in one individual and not another.

why should i bother when [paraphrased] you dont expect much of an answer or sound arguments from me or anyone on this forum. it'd be a waste of my effort and bandwidth that could otherwise be used for positive discussion rather than a shitstorm, which will happen if we continue that topic on talent
Thanks for sharing your opinion again, biggsy. It's not worth a lot believe me. I wonder if the mods pay attention to people posting 'lol, ur gay, lol'. Hardly productive, is it? But yeah, you are great at letting go, and as such not really in a position to advise me.

As for you, little Prognostic girl, keep making your defensive assumptions. It's ok, I do get that like a lot of other people on this forum playing victim is just your way for trying to avoid the challenge without having to justify anythig you say. Honestly how do you expect to be taken seriously with that kind of response? As I said before, don't assume that you speak for everyone. Not everyone is as defensive and inadequate as you are.
Nothinggod said:
Thanks for sharing your opinion again, biggsy. It's not worth a lot believe me. I wonder if the mods pay attention to people posting 'lol, ur gay, lol'. Hardly productive, is it?

Hardly productive is better than counter productive, which is what your comments always are. Perhaps if you had a little tact and a bit more toleration of others then you wouldn't come across a such a scummy low life fuckhead?
Back to Prognostic though; On the contrary I was quite hoping you might prove me wrong on at least one point and present me with some kind of emprical argument for your assertion. I'll at least give you one thing, you haven't resorted to the kind of idiotic banter about inbreeding this other hillbilly has.
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!
Nothinggod said:
As for you, little Prognostic girl, keep making your defensive assumptions. It's ok, I do get that like a lot of other people on this forum playing victim is just your way for trying to avoid the challenge without having to justify anythig you say. Honestly how do you expect to be taken seriously with that kind of response? As I said before, don't assume that you speak for everyone. Not everyone is as defensive and inadequate as you are.

playing victim? why dont you reread my earlier posts in response to your own and then refer to my last one on this page. when did "speak for everyone"?

oh, and you're calling me inadequate when (in reference to your post below the one i quoted) you havent provided any empirical evidence or even anything grounded in fact to your posts yourself.
ls1norcal said:
One of the most annoying things about message boards, is when assholes like "schenkadere", get cornered in an argument and then accuse the person of "having issues" or "taking the internet too seriously". It makes it nearly impossible to have an intelligent debate.

Let me ask you something, you moron. If we were having this discussion outside of a coffee shop, what would your defense be? Because if its the same sh!t you are posting here, you would sound like an idiot. Someone brings up an intelligent point and/or uses words/phrases that you cannot comprehend and your response is "omg you have issues! :OMG:"

Some people feel passionate about not letting some assclown attempt to make them look stupid. Wheather its on an internet forum or in the real world. What is wrong with that? Your first comment about challenging "opeth geeks", really shows what kind of an assclown you are. I thought it was cute how it was brought to your attention that you were/are an idiot for it, and you attempted to write it off as a "joke" when you got called on it.

But what do I know. Im just a stoopid newbie!$@#!!!!

Just when I was about to give up on humanity itself
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