The new site is awesome! ...easily the best one we've ever had! Much thanks to Mark! I can't wait to add more to it, to complete it. And yeah, good ol' Mark Coatsworth (aka Wrathchild, our photographer/new webmaster, is actually hiking accross the fucking arctic this summer! What an adventurous booze loving maniac that guy is!!!
this will be interesting to see how good of a photographer david will be for this time...not as bad as me, when my parents renewed their wedding vows right before they said i do the camera went off with flash..... it came out as a picture of my dad's ass
Heh actually, I just noticed a small error on the site - in the bio it names the Green Carnation/Agalloch/WoY/etc show as being the Northern Lights festival, instead of Day Of The Equinox.