X-Men First Class Trailer

it looks decent but terrible character choices for the film. They definetly are not following the book asides for a few small things. I will see it, but odds are it wont be any good. Too bad...lots of good talent in it.
I have little trust in the Captain America film. I want to see how they ruin Aram Zola and Baron Zemo in this one. I dont like the fact that they are to scared to put Nazi stuff in the film since it is a WW2 movie. Kind of stupid.
I'm still trying to figure out this film. Originally it was called a prequel to the other X-men movies but there's several characters that don't make sense. Mystique, Beast, and Moira McTaggart (only in the scene after the credits of the third film but still) basically don't age. And there's also Havoc who is Cyclops' brother. Did they change their minds and make it a separate universe?
I'm still trying to figure out this film. Originally it was called a prequel to the other X-men movies but there's several characters that don't make sense. Mystique, Beast, and Moira McTaggart (only in the scene after the credits of the third film but still) basically don't age. And there's also Havoc who is Cyclops' brother. Did they change their minds and make it a separate universe?

It pretty much is a whole new reboot to the series. Face it....the average movie goer will have no clue anyways...just us comic people will know.
I have little trust in the Captain America film. I want to see how they ruin Aram Zola and Baron Zemo in this one. I dont like the fact that they are to scared to put Nazi stuff in the film since it is a WW2 movie. Kind of stupid.

We'll see what comes of it, Hydra may serves it purpose in this story they're deeply entrenched in Shield and Avengers stories. Samuel Jackson is in the casting for this movie, I'm not expecting him to turn up in WWII so you kinda know where that leads.

They got the Red Skull right.

They're putting it in the 1940's? I thought they were tying all of the Avengers stories in at once.

This film basically is the set up for the Avengers. Cap getting frozen and the "saved" in current time from the ice by Iron Man and the Avengers.

Hydra is replacing the nazi stuff. Just kind of a lame way to go since everyone knows all about WW2 already. It isnt some big secret to what happened. You dont have to glorify it or anything. This is where the whole Sam Jackson as Nick Fury is going to hurt them....Cap and Nick were old war buddies...you cant have Sam Jackson working under cover in Germany in the war....he will kind of stand out. I am excited for the Avengers film but after that...where do you go. Once you reach that peak it is going to be hard to go to the next level. I am hoping they introduce Hank Pym and show him building the first Ultron...who would be great as a 2nd Film villian for the Avengers. Then you can introduce the Vision in the same film to help stop Ultron.
Looks better than I thought it would. Still I'm hesitant. Have some attachment to the X-Men, and I feel that the origination stories should follow the comic books. It gets too confusing if you don't. I also think that the movie would do well if it made the comic book fans happy as they would be going for repeated watches, and be promoting the movie. But I think in doing so, it shouldn't be an introduction of the characters. Just have the characters doing stuff. We don't need to see how they came to be. The first movie nearly did this well, but still felt the need to have some origin stories going on. I don't mind.. like X-Men #1 did, have it start off before they are full-fledged X-Men, but just don't have them all walking through the door for the first time.
It pretty much is a whole new reboot to the series. Face it....the average movie goer will have no clue anyways...just us comic people will know.

Well, the weird thing about it being a reboot if that's the case is that there is still planned development for X-Men 4 as of March 2010. Bryan Singer said he wanted to wait on it till after he was done focusing on First Class (he's a producer and writer for this one).
I'm still trying to figure out this film. Originally it was called a prequel to the other X-men movies but there's several characters that don't make sense. Mystique, Beast, and Moira McTaggart (only in the scene after the credits of the third film but still) basically don't age. And there's also Havoc who is Cyclops' brother. Did they change their minds and make it a separate universe?

Well, I have no responses to any of the others - but Mystique can change her appearance at will, and I believe in the comics she's been alive for over 100 years. I feel like aging or not aging is irrelevant when it comes to her. The others, yeah, they've got some issues there. :lol:
"But Nina, movie-goers know nothing about the original X-Men!"

I know, and that is a shame. I pity them.

"Don't be so pissed, Nina. It's just a movie!"

I know. I'm not angry.. just disappointed.

"Oh come on, it's gonna be awesome!"

No, it probably won't.

"You're just a hater."

Yes. I hate this movie, already.

"But you haven't even seen it!"

I've seen enough to know that only 1 of the original X-Men is in the cast, and therefore, this is bullshit.

"But look, the White Queen is in it! And she's sexy!"

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't want to see me when I'm--

"Xavier has hair!"



-- a typical conversation with me, and anyone who likes this trailer
What? No geeking out about the original Blackbird being in the film? That rises it a few points.

The only questionable character in the film is Havok. I'm not sure what they are going to do, since he is supposed to be Cyclops' brother. I guess I didn't watch the post credit sequence with Moira, because I don't remember it. It is easy to say that Beast is a graduate of Xavier's by the third film. As said above, Mystique can probably hide her age well with her power.

I have mixed feelings about the potential of this film. On one hand, Fox has treated the franchise like a red-headed stepchild and I don't trust them to make a good movie. On the other, Matthew Vaughn has yet to disappoint me as a director. I look forward to it with trepidation.
Actually I think this looks pretty good. It actually looks like from the trailer at least, they put some effort into this. Though, as others have said, the characters included don't make some sense. Whether or not people read the comics or not doesn't even matter, they saw the other movies and due to that, it doesn't make sense either. However, if this is a reboot, it may work. I will judge it on this movie alone and not try to compare it to the comics or previous films.
If this was supposed to be a reboot, why not use the original X-Men? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a pre-quel to the other films, which is why the character choices are so wonky.

For example, Nightcrawler's "father". o_O

If this was supposed to be a reboot, why not use the original X-Men? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a pre-quel to the other films, which is why the character choices are so wonky.

For example, Nightcrawler's "father". o_O


Given the trailer, it is pretty obvious that it isn't a reboot and that it takes place in the same "universe" as the other X films. If you aren't happy with that continuity, you wouldn't be happy with this one in any case.
Singer has done alright with the other movies, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I even liked the 3rd movie. What can I say. I have no real attachment to the original stories though. The comics sort of came along after I was into them. Kind of like the Transformers thing. I bypassed all that completely, so have no clue what "history" I'm seeing or not seeing in the movies. If it has a couple of hours of escape to it, some cool effects, cute chicks, explosions, etc, I'll watch it when I get the chance.

I still can't believe I haven't even gotten to the new TRON.
every X Men movie has been awful if you ask me. Aronofsky is doing the next Wolverine so that would probably be the only good one.