X-Men First Class Trailer

Singer has done alright with the other movies, so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. Yes, I even liked the 3rd movie. What can I say. I have no real attachment to the original stories though. The comics sort of came along after I was into them. Kind of like the Transformers thing. I bypassed all that completely, so have no clue what "history" I'm seeing or not seeing in the movies. If it has a couple of hours of escape to it, some cool effects, cute chicks, explosions, etc, I'll watch it when I get the chance.

I still can't believe I haven't even gotten to the new TRON.

Singer didn't do the 3rd movie, Brett Ratner did. Singer left the project to do Superman Returns, which was a colossal waste of his time.
every X Men movie has been awful if you ask me. Aronofsky is doing the next Wolverine so that would probably be the only good one.

I'm with ya.. though I enjoyed the first 2 a little, for different reasons.

The 1st one was "OMG X-MEN IN A MOVIE!!!"


Then the third one came and seemed to throw up every X-Men character that ever existed. The story was horrible. I remember watching a "behind the scenes" special, where the woman playing Callisto said that her scene with Storm was supposed to be very important because they are rivals.

Now, while that's true, where in the films do they ever mention them being rivals?? They don't, which is why their "epic battle scene" doesn't matter.

That's a critique on the movie itself, not lore. And the whole Phoenix thing made no sense, either. Suddenly, Jean is Phoenix, and she's crazy. Okay... thanks. Why?

I'm with ya.. though I enjoyed the first 2 a little, for different reasons.

The 1st one was "OMG X-MEN IN A MOVIE!!!"


Then the third one came and seemed to throw up every X-Men character that ever existed. The story was horrible. I remember watching a "behind the scenes" special, where the woman playing Callisto said that her scene with Storm was supposed to be very important because they are rivals.

Now, while that's true, where in the films do they ever mention them being rivals?? They don't, which is why their "epic battle scene" doesn't matter.

That's a critique on the movie itself, not lore. And the whole Phoenix thing made no sense, either. Suddenly, Jean is Phoenix, and she's crazy. Okay... thanks. Why?


While Singer's two movies were flawed, they were still very enjoyable for what they were. As for the third, it was a case of having too many plot points and not really developing any of them.
While Singer's two movies were flawed, they were still very enjoyable for what they were. As for the third, it was a case of having too many plot points and not really developing any of them.

Yeah, exactly. I know there's a lot of characters in the X-universe that people wanted to see, so they tried to cram them all in there. Bad idea! It's better to focus on a small number of characters so they can develop; like in grown-up movies!
I thought the trailer looked interesting until CGI!Beast. DO NOT WANT.

I kind of want to get into Marvel comics (I nerded out SOO MUCH over the X-Men animated series when I was a kid), but I'd have no idea where to begin, and with all the reboots and the retcons it looks pretty intimidating. The last time I read them was years ago, when I was reading my mom's New Mutants and X-Force issues... and then I searched for info on some of my favorite characters a few years ago and they've either died or are crazy or have a billion conflicting backstories. The hell? :erk:

And the last X-Men movie I saw was the first one. Which I found a bit weird. I loved the tension between Cyclops and Wolverine, but Storm was one of my favorites and Halle Barry just... doesn't really work for her. D:
I was reading my mom's New Mutants and X-Force issues... and then I searched for info on some of my favorite characters a few years ago and they've either died or are crazy or have a billion conflicting backstories. The hell? :erk:

Dude, you don't want to know.

This is why I don't collect Marvel, anymore. I moved to DC and it was the best decision I ever made.
I thought the trailer looked interesting until CGI!Beast. DO NOT WANT.

I kind of want to get into Marvel comics (I nerded out SOO MUCH over the X-Men animated series when I was a kid), but I'd have no idea where to begin, and with all the reboots and the retcons it looks pretty intimidating. The last time I read them was years ago, when I was reading my mom's New Mutants and X-Force issues... and then I searched for info on some of my favorite characters a few years ago and they've either died or are crazy or have a billion conflicting backstories. The hell? :erk:

And the last X-Men movie I saw was the first one. Which I found a bit weird. I loved the tension between Cyclops and Wolverine, but Storm was one of my favorites and Halle Barry just... doesn't really work for her. D:

CBR has a pretty good list of recommended runs.


Whedon's Astonishing X-Men and Morrison's New X-Men runs are usually both highly recommended from within the last 10 years.

I actually still need to read New X-Men. The art style really turned me off the first time I read one of the books.
Dude, you don't want to know.

This is why I don't collect Marvel, anymore. I moved to DC and it was the best decision I ever made.

you are missing out on a lot of great books.....the Avengers books are great, Captain America (Bruebakers run) is one of the greatest comics being made now, Thunderbolts is fantastic and so is Hickmans run on FF. The Hulk is also really good still.

I am bummed the space books are done. They were also great stories and amazing art.
you are missing out on a lot of great books.....the Avengers books are great, Captain America (Bruebakers run) is one of the greatest comics being made now, Thunderbolts is fantastic and so is Hickmans run on FF. The Hulk is also really good still.

I am bummed the space books are done. They were also great stories and amazing art.

Yeah, I was always an X-Men fan, but I don't doubt that the ones you're mentioning are still good. Unfortunately, every time I look at X-Men, I see something that turns me off to it.

Like cat-Beast. D:
Yeah, I was always an X-Men fan, but I don't doubt that the ones you're mentioning are still good. Unfortunately, every time I look at X-Men, I see something that turns me off to it.

Like cat-Beast. D:

The only X-Men run to read from 2000 and on is the Ed Bruebker run....

starting with X-Men: Deadly Genesis
Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire
Emperor Vulcan
War of Kings
you are missing out on a lot of great books.....the Avengers books are great, Captain America (Bruebakers run) is one of the greatest comics being made now, Thunderbolts is fantastic and so is Hickmans run on FF. The Hulk is also really good still.

I am bummed the space books are done. They were also great stories and amazing art.

If you're referring to "Incredible" Hulk, thanks dude.
I cant envy anyone that has to write a script for an X-Men movie. The comic book writers struggle with the books, this in itself has turned me off to X-Men. The movies don't get much help from the history and convoluted story lines, what do you follow either of the dozen different story lines of the regular books, the Ultimate story lines, the 160 different team line ups, the cartoons? Then you have the fans that want Dazzler, Longshot, Bishop, Gambit, Deadpool, Lockheed of course adding any of these into a movie now throws off any chance of getting a movie that ties into the base story line because you have to insert a hero introduced in issue 150+ into the an origin of the team story.

There are too many X books, more heroes / villains than the normal Marvel Universe and lots of them are terrible. This is much like how I was was turned off to comics when Image comics came out, you ended up with 40 different #1 collector item books a month between Valliant, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image. 90% of those books were crap too as and today lots of those books and stories are gone but with Marvel you're left with an oversaturated Mutant Universe.

The other aspect of Mutants that bothered me was the "everyone hates us" mentality boo-hoo cry me a river wear a mask and cape and say your from Mars for crying out loud, or wear a pair of glasses and nobody will recognize them when your trying to fit in with the humans. Geez it worked for Superman for the past 70 or so years lol.
While Singer's two movies were flawed, they were still very enjoyable for what they were. As for the third, it was a case of having too many plot points and not really developing any of them.

Yeah I wouldn't call them great but they worked for what they were. They definitely weren't trainwrecks...except for the last one. That just seemed rushed and they tried to do too much with it. Actually it's the same thing that happened with that third Spiderman too. Too many plots/characters with too little time.
If you're referring to "Incredible" Hulk, thanks dude.

you know I am. I love the art in that book. It had the classic old school style with a current edge. Seriously, I am the first person to complain about stuff....as seen here on this forum. The Incredible Hulk art is the best there is....along with War of Kings and Great Lakes Avengers. I would kill to see that art in Avengers ( secret, new, or academy) or on the Tunderbolts.
I cant envy anyone that has to write a script for an X-Men movie. The comic book writers struggle with the books, this in itself has turned me off to X-Men. The movies don't get much help from the history and convoluted story lines, what do you follow either of the dozen different story lines of the regular books, the Ultimate story lines, the 160 different team line ups, the cartoons? Then you have the fans that want Dazzler, Longshot, Bishop, Gambit, Deadpool, Lockheed of course adding any of these into a movie now throws off any chance of getting a movie that ties into the base story line because you have to insert a hero introduced in issue 150+ into the an origin of the team story.

Personally, I don't see the problem. If anything, it frees up directors to do their own stories with the characters, since there is no way to do a movie that slavishly follows most of the storylines, so take established characters and do your own storyline. No, there is no way to satisfy everyone. (As my user name implies, my favorite character is Longshot. I don't expect to ever see him in a film.)

There are too many X books, more heroes / villains than the normal Marvel Universe and lots of them are terrible. This is much like how I was was turned off to comics when Image comics came out, you ended up with 40 different #1 collector item books a month between Valliant, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image. 90% of those books were crap too as and today lots of those books and stories are gone but with Marvel you're left with an oversaturated Mutant Universe.

Yeah, all the books make it impossible (or expensive) to keep up with everything. That's why I gave up in the 90s on most of my comic book reading.

The other aspect of Mutants that bothered me was the "everyone hates us" mentality boo-hoo cry me a river wear a mask and cape and say your from Mars for crying out loud, or wear a pair of glasses and nobody will recognize them when your trying to fit in with the humans. Geez it worked for Superman for the past 70 or so years lol.

Considering that Spider-Man has been mistaken as a mutant in the past (and now as an aftermath of Civil War, all super-powered beings need to register with the government.), there isn't much of a difference nowadays.
you know I am. I love the art in that book. It had the classic old school style with a current edge. Seriously, I am the first person to complain about stuff....as seen here on this forum. The Incredible Hulk art is the best there is....along with War of Kings and Great Lakes Avengers. I would kill to see that art in Avengers ( secret, new, or academy) or on the Tunderbolts.

Bob, is that the same artist from the Red Hulk storyline? I'm not up to date on all the books but I was trying to follow Hulk and the Avengers.
There are too many X books, more heroes / villains than the normal Marvel Universe and lots of them are terrible. This is much like how I was was turned off to comics when Image comics came out, you ended up with 40 different #1 collector item books a month between Valliant, Marvel, DC, Dark Horse and Image. 90% of those books were crap too as and today lots of those books and stories are gone but with Marvel you're left with an oversaturated Mutant Universe.

I totally agree. If they wanted to make a good X-Men movie, they would (unfortunately) have to focus on just a few main characters. They could have done the 90's roster, and it probably would have satisfied most people (Gambit, Storm, Cyclops, Wolverine, Jubilee, Jean Grey, Beast..)