x-tra tracks


The original Pyrolizzard
Oct 29, 2005
I have never downloaded any CoB, (infact i havent downloaded seince napster came out) but I think setain songs should be availible for download. NOW before you start yelling at me, listen to my reasoning: i bought Hate Crew deathrow and then went online and found out that i bought the wrong one, I DIDNT HAVE SILENT SCREAMS:yell:, now i dont think that i should have to buy a new CD just for that one song.

OR if you think they shouldnt be download-able, i think you should have a "bonus track CD" with all the bonus tracks on one cd.
Yeah they do, and you won't win any e-blowjobs from janne for saying "OMG FUCK PIRACY!"

Piracy is dos.

And if CoB ever complained to me about downlaoding a bonus track, they can fuck right off.

I have 2x sw, 1x Hb, 2x FTR, first edition HCDR, All singles, and several other compilations they're on.

Yes, i don't own AYDY yet. I'm waiting to get it on Fleabay for a buck to complete the collection.
Pyrolizzard said:
umm... ok, do you have: Iron, Steel, Metal :Repent (Whore) :Silent Scream :Rebel Yell :No Commands (Stone cover)

Iron, Steel, Metal and repent (Whore) are not by children of bodom they were on a split EP,

i also have all COB albums apart from AYDY i keep meaning to buy it but i kind of stole my friends one :rock: well its not realy :rock: at all but hey:tickled:
If it wasent for piracy then I would not know cob, and pretty much any other band except britney spears and greenday WHOO WHOOO they should fucking embrace piracy for making them what they are today, alexi getting all $$$ blind and forgot where his roots was watered