X50 v2.0

Did you move your key file around Dave ? It happened to me once I cleaned my desktop and had it there so I put it in the plugin folder and registred again by locating the file with the browse button and it worked.
Are you a read a post on a forum type of motherfucker?

If so, read this...

The windows installer puts the IRs in a subdirectory within the TSE AUDIO directory. As long as the TSE AUDIO directory is specified as a path to your VSTs in your DAW they should work properly. If you relocate the included IR files they will not be found by the plugin. Additionally, you can designate a custom path to your own external IRs from within the TSE X50 plugin.

I hope that makes-fuckin-sense!
I'm having a problem in Cubase 6.07 64 bit with the x64 version of the latest plugin.
When I open a project again the output is like 12 dB louder suddenly. The display shows output is still at 0 but it is way louder until I grab the output volume knob and move it a little.
Anybody else? :D
I'm doing some parallel processing on the DI patch of FrankTheSmith's Edge Bass (GREAT sample library, btw). I have X50 2.0 on the distortion track and it sounded great when I blend it with the DI signal. The DI signal also has TSE's BOD 2.0 on it. It sounds really good to me. Just thought I'd throw this out there. :)
I'm having a problem in Cubase 6.07 64 bit with the x64 version of the latest plugin.
When I open a project again the output is like 12 dB louder suddenly. The display shows output is still at 0 but it is way louder until I grab the output volume knob and move it a little.
Anybody else? :D
Kind of the same issue here.
Cubase Studio 5.5.3 32 bits,
Windows 7 64 bits
It seems that the in/out knobs action is not active when I open a project again.
For example : if I have the input knob at +3db, then save the project, close it, open again, the input knob will still display +3db but it will sound like it's at 0 until I touch any knob on the plugin.
Got it working and have used it a few times. I like how it sounds, but it's unstable in Reaper. Like others have mentioned it often crashes when copying from one track to another by dragging. Also crashing for me on a saved project startup now...

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: reaper.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 534b037c
Fault Module Name: TSE X50.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 52fd3c76
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 0000000000082d53
OS Version: 6.3.9600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: faf8
Additional Information 2: faf84dcb89774673c792dc4d7fd4cd3c
Additional Information 3: 9a40
Additional Information 4: 9a4040acf8e4fc8a5bab31f9366d60a1
Just tested the previous version of the x50 plugin and im totally buying the v2.0. How do you use it with impulses such as "s-preshigh" or "guitarhacks" or other impulses that are captured with a tube poweramp stage instead of a solidstate poweramp?
Are you bypassing the poweramp on the x50 model?
I understand that probably there is no ideal way to use it but i want to know your opinion on this.
Kind of the same issue here.
Cubase Studio 5.5.3 32 bits,
Windows 7 64 bits
It seems that the in/out knobs action is not active when I open a project again.
For example : if I have the input knob at +3db, then save the project, close it, open again, the input knob will still display +3db but it will sound like it's at 0 until I touch any knob on the plugin.

I wrote to the support and it seems that it is a Cubase specific problem that will taken care of in the next update.
Just tested the previous version of the x50 plugin and im totally buying the v2.0. How do you use it with impulses such as "s-preshigh" or "guitarhacks" or other impulses that are captured with a tube poweramp stage instead of a solidstate poweramp?
Are you bypassing the poweramp on the x50 model?
I understand that probably there is no ideal way to use it but i want to know your opinion on this.

I've been wondering this myself, and I'm assuming the impulses that came with it were not captured with a tube poweramp? Idk.
Some of them ,if not all ,seems to be captured with a tube poweramp. If im not mistaken , Ryan and Guitarhacks impulses were made with tube amp power stage and they are part of the IR's that came onboard with the plugin.
Some of them ,if not all ,seems to be captured with a tube poweramp. If im not mistaken , Ryan and Guitarhacks impulses were made with tube amp power stage and they are part of the IR's that came onboard with the plugin.

Right, which means users should probably disable the power amp for the impulses that were captured with a power amp, but I'm not sure which ones those are. Recto Cranked, for example, doesn't sound like it has power amp coloration.
TSE Audio is proud to announce our next upgrade (version 2.3) of our X50 Suite.

Note: It will be a free upgrade to all our 2.0/2.0.1 registered users.
X50 v2.3 will be released on the 26th of September and its features are as follows:
- We've rewritten the entire suite from being an IPlug based plugin to a JUCE based one. JUCE lays the groundwork for our future product growth and development.
- We've made a new plugin that will be expandable with future enhancements, such as amps, pedals, rack units etc.
- A redesigned user interface for better workflow.
- We've made a customizable and completely redesigned pedal board
- Added a new IR pack from Kalthallen Cabs
- A completely new and redesigned Dual IR loader with EQ filters
- A new customizable fx rack
- Mac is now supported in 32 bit
- 32/64 bit AU/VST support (AAX later this fall)
- Overall better cpu efficiency
- We've improved our X50 modeling
- Every processing stage is bypassable
- Input learn function can target passive pickups

A big thanks to our pre-release/beta testers that helped us make this update possible!
Stay tuned, the best is yet to come!






We've rewritten the entire suite from being an IPlug based plugin to a JUCE based one. JUCE lays the groundwork for our future product growth and development.

Does this affect the plugin loading as a VST in any way?