Well that makes four of us now.
Although I should say, despite this copy-paste, double-instance bug, I went ahead and bought it. I just couldn't resist!
Yes. During my tests, I have been able to get it to crash that way too.
Further tests on my PC have revealed that if you have a project with just two tracks with an instance of x50 each, and save it, close it, and open it again, the chances of it crashing are above 50%.
However, if you add more tracks in between the two guitar tracks (to add a delay so that the x50s aren't loaded sequentially one after the other), and save the project, then I can close and open the project about 10 times before I see a crash. So that seems to improve the odds.
Curiously, it is very difficult (99.99% impossible) for me to replicate the crashy behavior on my laptop, which has much less resources than my PC.
tell application "REAPER64" to activate
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
set Proc to name of processes whose visible is true and name is "Reaper"
repeat with oneP in Proc
activate process oneP -- bring it to the front
click button 3 of window 1 of application process oneP -- the yellow button on the top left.
end repeat
end tell
tell application "System Events"
set Proc to name of processes whose visible is true and name is "Reaper"
repeat with oneP in Proc
activate process oneP -- bring it to the front
click button 3 of window 1 of application process oneP -- the yellow button on the top left.
end repeat
end tell
tell application "System Events"
set Proc to name of processes whose visible is true and name is "Reaper"
repeat with oneP in Proc
activate process oneP -- bring it to the front
click button 3 of window 1 of application process oneP -- the yellow button on the top left.
end repeat
end tell
tell application "Finder" to open POSIX file "/Users/Lion/Desktop/Studio/X50.RPP"
the 'standalone script' is cool, can it be done in Windows?
[Prime];10818856 said:It can't be done that way in windows. But I can try to come up with an "equivalent" for windows.... Of course it will be a Reaper based solution.
Who knows? Onqel may already be working on a standalone version. It would probably be fairly "easy".