Xamp noisy as hell, please help!

Deaf Ear

Feb 25, 2007
I just picked up a radial x-amp, and I'm getting all kinds of noise. I've already tried the ground lifts and swapped out all the cables one by one, but not much luck. I can hear all kinds of weird stuff when reamping. It even makes a strange sound when i click my mouse on the screen. This comes through the amp, and even having a plugin active on a muted track causes weird noises. I have to be doing something wrong.

I'm coming straight out of the line outs on my rme card right into the x-amp. If anyone knows what could be causing this, help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
This can be due to bad power supply in computer...
Sometimes I also get similar things from my ProRMP, but X-Amp more prone to such things.
Update is that I got this sorted. I had to run adat out of my RME and go thru the outs on my digimax. Quiet as a mouse now. I didn't actually solve the problem, but I found a solution. There's definitely something going on with grounding in my computer.
Mine gets noisy too, quite often, I solved it by either toggling the ground switch on and off (because sometimes it's less noisy with it disengaged) or "kicking" the power supply till the hum disappears. Now i just changed the plugs and run it off a UPS system.

Dunno if that's any help.
My Reamping noise only went away when I ran an extention cord from my house to my studio.

Every Component in my studio that I turn on, especially my Mac Pro, seemed to increase the amount of noise in the Reamp.

Amazing that its only the Reamp that causes the noise to be heard.

I sold the X-Amp and bought a Cuniberti Reamp and had the same problem.

Replaced all cables with high quality.

Even bought a heavy duty Rack Mount Monster Power Conditioner.

No change.

Something in my Power Line to my studio is carrying a noise that my house is not.


Still havent figured that one out.

Been doing less reamping.
Damn Metalworks, even with the passive Reamp and a diesel power conditioner it still gave you grief? Shit, I hope the places I'm soon to end up living once I get outta college don't cause me similar problems (but I won't have to worry as much with Revalver III coming out :heh: )