Nocturnal Poisoning
Blood, Fire, Death 2002
By Nathan Pearce
Well, its about time something truly disturbing came my way! Black metal has gone from grim, underground, and evil to melodic, mainstream, and fun. Fortunately Xasthur doesnt know about what the last five or six years of black metal have spawned.
Nocturnal Poisoning finds the one-man-band known as Xasthur in a truly dark place. Listeners will first be aware of the nasty recording used by Malefic (the guy behind all this sickness). Instruments are jumbled together in a heap of festering soot. Guitars reverberate off wailing keyboards. Vocals try to dig themselves from the depths of a rusted iron torture chamber deep, deep, deep within a blackened abyss. This is truly beautiful when you give it the time too seep into your soul.
Youll hear Xasthur compared to the likes of early Graveland, early Manes, and most likely Burzum. Dont think this is a nostalgic trip to the early 90s, though. Xasthur has enough originality and creativity to march straight into the 21sty century and pollute everything in its path. The song writing is damn near top notch for any genre of metal; layer upon layer of breathtaking anguish and torture reveal a complex but cohesive approach to each and every song.
Dont let this one slip by you. Nocturnal Poisoning is THE SICKEST AND MOST DISTURBING album to come along in many a hallowed eve. This is the definition of dark, tortured music. Black metal at its blackest.
Nocturnal Poisoning
Blood, Fire, Death 2002
By Nathan Pearce

Well, its about time something truly disturbing came my way! Black metal has gone from grim, underground, and evil to melodic, mainstream, and fun. Fortunately Xasthur doesnt know about what the last five or six years of black metal have spawned.
Nocturnal Poisoning finds the one-man-band known as Xasthur in a truly dark place. Listeners will first be aware of the nasty recording used by Malefic (the guy behind all this sickness). Instruments are jumbled together in a heap of festering soot. Guitars reverberate off wailing keyboards. Vocals try to dig themselves from the depths of a rusted iron torture chamber deep, deep, deep within a blackened abyss. This is truly beautiful when you give it the time too seep into your soul.
Youll hear Xasthur compared to the likes of early Graveland, early Manes, and most likely Burzum. Dont think this is a nostalgic trip to the early 90s, though. Xasthur has enough originality and creativity to march straight into the 21sty century and pollute everything in its path. The song writing is damn near top notch for any genre of metal; layer upon layer of breathtaking anguish and torture reveal a complex but cohesive approach to each and every song.
Dont let this one slip by you. Nocturnal Poisoning is THE SICKEST AND MOST DISTURBING album to come along in many a hallowed eve. This is the definition of dark, tortured music. Black metal at its blackest.