Xbox 360 essential games!


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Any essential games I should own? Currently I'm attempting to beat MW2 which is insanely goooood.

Anything else that is essential or anything coming out that looks awesome?

I'm probably gonna pick up Assassins Creed 2 and Left 4 Dead 2.

I'm not so into RPGs, but might make an exception for something SWEET. Mass Effect 2?

Gears of War 1 + 2 (2 is better, 1 is still great IMO) and The Orange Box are essential! +1 for Bioshock, and Mass Effect definitely (start with the first though, which won't be hard since the second isn't out yet :D)
No problem man - and The Orange Box is especially awesome considering how many games you get in it, chief among them of course being Half Life 2, which is just so legendary (and about 6 quadrillion times better than the original IMO, so don't worry if you've never played it, just read the wikipedia synopsis and you'll know all you need about the universe to enjoy the sequel :D) And of course, Portal :worship:
And while I think they're vastly overrated, I admit I had a decent amount of fun playing through Halos 1-3 a couple times each (haven't tried ODST)
dont bother with op flashpoint, you'll thank me. absolute guff.

pick up dead rising, it's cheap and fucking BRILLIANT
My current top 10 for X360 is (in no specific order):

Modern Warfare
Modern Warfare 2
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Halo 3
Mass Effect
Dead Space
GTA IV (and the expansions)

Other games that are good to have for multyplayer: Rock Band, Street Fighter IV, Fifa 10 and NHL 10. Beautiful Katamari if you have a girlfriend or drugs.

IMO the first Left4Dead is better than the second, but I´m not sure if it´s because I had high expectations of the second.
I've heard that Borderlands is very fun. Also there is there Gears of War games, which I've never been a fan of, but many people like them.

And I've never been an RPG fan, but I really enjoyed Fable 2.
Fallout 3 is great, and it will take you a long ass time to beat it. There are expansion packs too. Forza 3 too if you like racing games, and Castle Crashers is an awesome XBL Arcade game.
viva pinata is the shit.
fallout 3 is not.
pretend FO3 doesn't exist and play only the first 2.
FO3 is good; Gareth has no face. Um... ??

L4D2 is basically all I'm playing these days. Don't get much time for gaming but me and some of the guys at work play L4D, and its a reet h00t.