the new Ninja Gaiden is comming out for the PS3 and not 360..when it was originally an xbox only game.
yes it does come to games...rumors of MGS4 for the 360..not gonna happen. the whole fanchise has been out for the playstation. Until confirmed, but i havn't heard anything about MGS4 comming out for the 360.
also yes the xbox live is better then the PS3's online. Its cool to have a 60GB, cause you can rip DVD's onto the hard-drive.
yes they have made a triple layered HD that holds 50GB, but thats only for movies, without the blu-ray, you can't play games on them. with the ps3, you can play games on them.
and also....Resident Evil 5! my god....its gonna be sick.
i love the 360 as well, don't get me wrong. But like you said it all comes down to the games...and right now PS3 has shit for games...except VF5 and Oblivion. I own almost all the games out for the PS3 except the sports games. MotorStorm is fun too, and i bought Call of Duty 3 just for the online play....and the online play is smooth, i am impressed.
Microsoft's trick was to have the customer buy all these accessories. Smart move on their part. But it does add up. I own all 3 systems cause their are certain games for each system that i want to play.
GoW...Halo 2.
Unreal Tournament gonna be the shit!!!! its gonna look awesome for the PS3 cause its using the Unreal Engine 3....same Engine used for GoW! and its gonna be beautiful!!!!