Xbox Live Users

yeah they are loosin some money, but hey for 600 bucks you get all that! great deal, but you know what, even if they lost a huge chunk out of the market....they could still wipe there asses with hundered doller bills. Sony has way to much money...

i can't wait for Devil May Cry 4 and MGS 4! ps3 exclusive baby!
They've made triple layered HD-DVD that can hold up to 50gb. I don't see the need for more than 7gb for a long time anyhow. I however have no need for more than 20gb of storage space. Also they're most likely coming out with a 120gb hdmi 360 called the elite for $475 which most likely will drop to $400 soon after and the premium will drop to $300. If you've done your research most companies moved their games to both systems. Right now xbox live is way bigger than ps3 online so paying 50 bucks once a year isn't that big of a deal. What the hell am I gonna bluetooth over to my 360 anyhow? All the good xbox games are backwards compatible. The ps3 may have more cell processors but they don't work separately like the 360 so the 360 is capable of smarter A.I. Also the ps3 has a higher poly count which means glossier games but the 360 is capable of better texture, which is what really counts when making a game good. But then again like you said there isn't a big difference to be seen between the two which also comes back to my original point. The 360 doesn't have wi-fi, rechargeable batteries, or the HD drive but you can buy all that, and pay the same price as 60gb ps3. I'm glad all that is optional anyhow so that I can save money since at this time I don't have a need for any of those things but the rechargeable battery. In the end whoever has the better games wins, and as of right now sony is losing all their top games.
i can't wait for Devil May Cry 4 and MGS 4! ps3 exclusive baby!
You really need to read the links I posted. Devil May Cry is no longer exclusive, and is coming to not only the 360, but the pc as well. This is confirmed. Also there are a ton of rumors from well known people in the biz saying that mgs4 is soon to follow.

Don't come to my house if you don't got game, boy!! :lol:
Buy both, simple solution.
Maybe if money grew on trees, and I enjoyed doing pointless things.
and if you want Sony to lose money, buy their console, its a win situation!

they're both losing money right now on their systems but what they stand to make back through games in enormous.

Right now the only exclusive game that 360 won't get is god of war, but ps3 won't get bioshock 2 or gears of war. If it comes down to god of war and gears, well I'd go with gears any day.

Don't hate, i'm only telling it like it is.
Is it uglier than a grill? I would def buy a ps3 if it actually did what it looks like it's supposed to do as well. I mean grill up a burger, and play god of war! who could beat that??

:lol: :lol:
the new Ninja Gaiden is comming out for the PS3 and not 360..when it was originally an xbox only game.

yes it does come to games...rumors of MGS4 for the 360..not gonna happen. the whole fanchise has been out for the playstation. Until confirmed, but i havn't heard anything about MGS4 comming out for the 360.

also yes the xbox live is better then the PS3's online. Its cool to have a 60GB, cause you can rip DVD's onto the hard-drive.

yes they have made a triple layered HD that holds 50GB, but thats only for movies, without the blu-ray, you can't play games on them. with the ps3, you can play games on them.

and also....Resident Evil 5! my god....its gonna be sick.

i love the 360 as well, don't get me wrong. But like you said it all comes down to the games...and right now PS3 has shit for games...except VF5 and Oblivion. I own almost all the games out for the PS3 except the sports games. MotorStorm is fun too, and i bought Call of Duty 3 just for the online play....and the online play is smooth, i am impressed.

Microsoft's trick was to have the customer buy all these accessories. Smart move on their part. But it does add up. I own all 3 systems cause their are certain games for each system that i want to play.

GoW...Halo 2.

Unreal Tournament gonna be the shit!!!! its gonna look awesome for the PS3 cause its using the Unreal Engine 3....same Engine used for GoW! and its gonna be beautiful!!!!
I don't need another version of ninja gaiden. I've owned both the other versions, and there is no need for another. What I need is a new ninja gaiden, which will be on the 360 for sure. I agree RE5 is going to be off the hizzy, and coming out for both systems. As for mgs4 it's looking like it has a good chance of coming to 360. Read up. xbox is smart because they know most people don't own a high def tv right now, and why overcharge someone who has no use for something when they can just add on later for the same price as the ps3.
actually the ps3 online seems to be turning out to be pretty darn good as well. one can easily skip the whole sims type part, making it as easy as it is on a computer (or the 360 for that matter, but you have to pay in that case)

and personal opinion is not "obvious"!
yeah i didn't know DMC was comming out for the other systems too, thats cool. But the MGS4 one i will still have my doubts on. That game has a lot of hype.

and Karmic, i was also impressed with the online play. Give the PS3 6 months and im sure we will see it grow. they already sold 2.1 million since this January
slapper of livers. you now have an xbox friend request

yay, ill hook that shit up and get online. I have been stuck playing Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion on the PS3, i have no social life anymore.

yeah it outsold the 360 but the 360 has a whole year ahead of it. But like i said...even if sony lost a huge chunk out of the won't matter cause they have enough money as it is.

Karmic if you have a ps3 feel free to add me as a friend, ill get online tonight.